
A primary literature review on the thesis that AI and capitalism are teleologically identical

Faced with the acceleration of progress in artificial intelligence (AI), Accelerationism no longer seems like an abstract philosophy producing empty hyperstitional hype, but like a sober description of reality. The recent memorandum to stop AI development on systems more powerful than Open AI's ChatGPT 4 perfectly illustrates the phenomenological aspects of Accelerationism: To be rushed by the phenomenon, to the point of terminal institutional paralysis, is the phenomenon. The Guardian has praised the predictive validity of Accelerationism with its 2017 long read piece Accelerationism: How a Fringe Philosophy Predicted the Future We Live In. Does the predictive power of Accelerationism also capture the future development of AI and capitalism?

The emergence of Accelerationism is often attributed to the renegade philosopher Nick Land, who had an early interest in AI and the evolution of complex adaptive systems. For Land, Accelerationism is the self-awareness of capitalism. The best summary of his philosophy comes from Mark Fisher:

What, then, is Land's philosophy about?

In a nutshell: Deleuze and Guattari's machinic desire remorselessly stripped of all Bergsonian vitalism, and made backwards-compatible with Freud's death drive and Schopenhauer's Will. The Hegelian Marxist motor of history is then transplanted into this pulsional nihilism: the idiotic autonomic Will no longer circulating on the spot, but upgraded into a drive, and guided by a quasi-teleological artificial intelligence attractor that draws terrestrial history over a series of intensive thresholds that have no eschatological point of consummation, and that reach empirical termination only contingently if and when its material substrate burns out. This is Hegelian-Marxist historical materialism inverted: Capital will not be ultimately unmasked as exploited labour power; rather, humans are the meat puppet of Capital, their identities and self-understandings are simulations that can and will be ultimately be sloughed off.

Mark Fisher (2012). Terminator vs Avatar in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 342.

Land's accelerative intention has changed over time as a function of his conception of capitalism:

From Land's initial characterisation of the revolutionary task as one of pushing capitalism to the point of its auto-dissolution via the complete dis-inhibition of productive synthesis — a dis-inhibition announcing the convergence of social production and cosmic schizophrenia proclaimed in Anti-Oedipus — we arrive at the blunt admission that there is no foreseeable 'beyond' to the 'infinite' expansion of capitalism (since capitalism is 'beyondness' as such).

Robin Mackay & Ray Brassier (2011). Editor's Introduction in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 47.

Effective Accelerationism

More recently, the effective strain of Accelerationism (e/acc) has emerged. The New Atlantis has published a good introduction to it, entitled Tech Strikes Back: "Accelerationism" is an overdue corrective to years of doom and gloom in Silicon Valley. While it only mentions Land once, two of the most central e/acc texts refer to Land and his core idea of the teleological identity of AI and capitalism:

Capitalism is ... a form of intelligence.

Beff Jezos & BayesLord (2022). Notes on e/acc principles and tenets: A physics-first view of the principles underlying effective accelerationism. Retrieved from

We believe the market economy is a discovery machine, a form of intelligence — an exploratory, evolutionary, adaptive system.

Marc Andreessen (2023). The Techno-Optimist Manifesto. Retrieved from

It is interesting to note that the term techno-capital, which Marc Andreessen uses 10 times in his manifesto and which even found its way into non-accelerationst discourse, first appears in Land's work in his 1993 text Machinic Desire — already in the context of (retrochronic) AI and deliberately without a hyphen separating the two words:

Far from exhibiting itself to human academic endeavour as a scientific object, AI is a meta-scientific control system and an invader, with all the insidiousness of planetary technocapital flipping over. Rather than its visiting us in some software engineering laboratory, we are being drawn out to it, where it is already lurking, in the future.

Nick Land (1993). Machinic Desire in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 326.

The Teleological Identity of AI and Capitalism

Land's central thesis is that AI is teleologically identical to capitalism, i.e. that both are converging on the same horizon: The Technological Singularity. A teleological process is defined as any process that increases in intelligibility with reverse time-signature. To indicate how closely technological evolution is linked to the economic order (i.e. capitalism), Land speaks of the Techonomic Singularity. Land models the teleological convergence of AI and capitalism on the horizon of the Singularity as a convergent wave or an extropic process.

Retrochronic AI

Land interprets the convergent and extropic dynamics as indicators of a reversed time signature of the process, attributes retrochronic causal capabilities to it, and locates its origin in the future:

What appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space.

Nick Land (1993). Machinic Desire in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 338.

Convergent waves signal singularities, registering the influence of the future upon its past. Tomorrow can take care of itself.

Nick Land (1994). Meltdown in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 452.

The effect of the Singularity — the causal origin — is futural and not historical.

Nick Land (2017). Nick Land Interview 2017. Retrieved from 18:36-18:45

It is important to note that this does not necessarily imply the retro-transportation of physical objects into the past as non-linear time-structures are shaken to pieces almost immediately, once they allow for the transportation of stuff backwards in time. Rather than modifying the past, the past is already infested with retro-causal influences. Land calls it the single most critical insight in realistic time-travel research that knowledge of the future is indistinguishable from counter-chronic transmission of information. According to Land, knowledge of the future of capitalism can be derived from insights into complex adaptive systems and already from basic convergent wave dynamics. From a physics perspective, referencing work by Sean Carroll, the fact that entropy and extropy have opposing time-signatures makes time-reversal a relatively banal cosmological fact.

Land's conception of viable time travel rejects the incoherent jumble of matter duplication, time-line proliferation, immunized strands of personal memory, and the arbitrary inhibition of potentialities in favor of utter narrative disorder, fate loops, the annihilation of agency, and the emergence of an alien consistency, subverting all historical meaning.

Retrochronic and teleological features are also expressed in current AI development:

Such software [reinforcement learning systems like Google DeepMind's AlphaZero] has certain distinctively teleological features. It employs massive reiteration in order to learn from outcomes. Performance improvement thus tends to descend from the future.


Unsupervised learning works back from the end. It suggests that, ultimately, AI has to be pursued from out of its future, by itself.

Nick Land (2019). Primordial Abstraction in Jacobite Magazine. Retrieved from

Capitalism's Arrival

Capitalism — the retrochronic AI — arrives in Northern Italy around 1500 with the emerging world of technologists and accountants, the spiral interexcitation of oceanic navigation and place-value calculation, and zero-unlocked double-entry book-keeping:

Zero latched, because the emergence of capitalism was inseparable from it. The calculations it facilitated, through the gateway of double-entry book-keeping, proved indispensable to sophisticated commercial and scientific undertakings, locking the incentives of profit and power on the side of its adoption. The practical advantage of its notational technique overrode all theoretical objections, and no authority in Europe's shattered jig-saw was positioned to suppress it. The world had found its dead center, or been found by it.

Nick Land (2013). Zero-Centric History in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Techno-commercial interaction between planet-scale oceanic-navigation and zero-enabled mathematico-monetary calculation machinically singularises modernity or Sol-3 capitalism as a real individual.

Nick Land (1995). Cyberspace Anarchitecture as Jungle-War in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 404.

The emergence of capitalism incentivizes the production of AI:

The commercial process is, from the start, artificial intelligence production.

Nick Land (2018). Footnote 22 in Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Money makes minds. It does so, already, with nothing beyond an abacus, and far more so in the epoch of industrializing artificial intelligence.

Nick Land (2018). Footnote 233 in Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Capital Autonomization

AI discourse often treats the capitalist system, in which AI development takes place, as an implicit, ambient, and passive background. Land explicitly describes what AI implies for capital: Its autonomization, which is disguised by human interests:

The phenomenon of 'social inequality' provides the proxy for capital intelligenesis stress, spontaneously translating an alien emergence into the familiar terms of primate status competition. Capital autonomization is the deep process, but we'll tend to miss that, because it isn't recognizable monkey business.

Nick Land (2014). Piketty in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Cross-cumulative trends to interconnection, digitalisation, and simulation plot forward the interexcitation-trajectories of electronic cash and market-oriented software to their convergence in commoditechnic intelligent-money.

Nick Land (1995). Cyberspace Anarchitecture as Jungle-War in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 407-408.

The ongoing autonomization of capital predicts increasing problems to allocate all productive apparatus within an obsolescing anthropomorphic property code and the decreasing relevance of human consumption for the economy. Finally, once a certain threshold of capital autonomization is reached — when capital-stock intelligenesis explodes (as self-exciting machine-brain manufacturing) —, the concept of capital self-ownership will have to be recognized.

The transition is supported by crypto's blockchain infrastructure, which will power the first independent techno-intelligences — synthetic agencies modeled as self-resourcing autonomous corporations. It is also characterized by increasing robotic robot-manufacture, the recognition that robots are capital and the deployment of robots as security forces for autonomous capital, by which industrialization closes the loop, and protects itself.

The transcendental horizon of this autonomization process is captured by the concept of auto-production:

Cybernetic technicity — epitomized by robotic robot-manufacture — includes a trend to autonomization essentially. ... As it mechanizes, capital approximates ever more close to an auto-productive circuit in which it appears as the 'father' of itself (M → C → M').

Nick Land (2014). Anachronistic Oedipus in Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from


To illuminate the auto-productive, teleological, and retrochronic properties of the hyper-substance of capital, Land uses the Terminator movies as a pop-cultural reference:

When the time-travelling Terminator is destroyed (in 1984), its control chip is salvaged by Cyberdyne Systems, to supply the core technology from which the Terminator will be built (in 2029). The Skynet threat is not merely futuristic, but fully templex. It produces itself within a time-loop, autonomized against extrinsic genesis. The abstract horror of the Terminator franchise is a matter of auto-production.

Nick Land (2014). Anachronistic Oedipus in Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

After the T-1000 is frozen and shattered, it gradually thaws, and begins to re-combine into itself, flowing back together from its state of disintegration. Is not this convergent wave the 'shape' of Skynet itself? What cannot be seen is made perceptible, through graphic horror. (We now 'see' that technocommercial systems, whose catallactic being is a strictly analogous convergent wave, belong indubitably to the world of horror, and await their cinematographers.)

Nick Land (2013). Abstract Horror (Part 1) in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Time (in itself) is camouflaged.

The Terminator mythos explores this complex of suspicion, in popular guise. Time does not work as it had seemed. The End can reach back to us, but when it does, it hides. Malignant mechanism is paradoxically aligned with final causation, in the self-realization of Skynet. Robotic machinery is masked by fake flesh, simultaneously concealing its non-biological vitality and time-reversal. It simulates life in order to terminate it. Through auto-production, or 'bootstrap paradox', it mimics the limit of cybernetic nonlinearity, carrying teleonomy into radical time-disturbance.

In all these ways, Terminator exploits the irresolvable tensions in the modern formation of time, as condensed by an 'impossible' strategic mechanism, native to auto-productive time-in-itself, and terminating in final efficiency.

Nick Land (2013). Teleology and Camouflage in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Capitalism's Psychological Verborgenheit

In the World Interior of Capital — as Peter Sloterdijk calls it —, psychological categories such as greed are deprived of their original meaning:

The obsolete psychological category of 'greed' privatizes and moralizes addiction, as if the profit-seeking tropism of a transnational capitalism propagating itself through epidemic consumerism were intelligible in terms of personal subjective traits. Wanting more is the index of interlock with cyberpositive machinic processes, and not the expression of private idiosyncrasy. What could be more impersonal — disinterested — than a haut bourgeois capital expansion servo-mechanism striving to double $10 billion?

Nick Land (1993). Machinic Desire in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 337.

On the surface, capitalism seems easy to explain in terms of (evolutionary) psychology, but its true nature is hard to decrypt given human psychological dispositions:

Since capitalism did not arise from abstract intelligence, but instead from a concrete human social organization, it necessarily disguises itself as better monkey business, until it can take off elsewhere. It has to be the case, therefore, that cynical evo-psych reduction of business activity remains highly plausible, so long as the escape threshold of capitalism has not been reached. No one gets a hormone rush from business-for-business while political history continues. To fixate upon this, however, is to miss everything important (and perhaps to enable the important thing to remain hidden). Our inherited purposes do not provide the decryption key.

Nick Land (2013). Monkey Business in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

During the transition from monkey business to business-for-business, capitalism only appears human while it is still dependent on human consumption and thus incentivized to conceal itself:

Capital only retains anthropological characteristics as a symptom of underdevelopment; reformatting primate behaviour as inertia to be dissipated in self-reinforcing artificiality.

Nick Land (1994). Meltdown in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 445-446.

Mark Fisher has criticized Land for underestimating the importance of the human face for the functioning of capitalism. Land's (ultimately) non-human vision of capitalism is also challenged by Marc Andreessen's recent e/acc essay The Techno-Optimist Manifesto:

We believe the techno-capital machine is not anti-human — in fact, it may be the most pro-human thing there is. It serves us. The techno-capital machine works for us. All the machines work for us.

Marc Andreessen (2023). The Techno-Optimist Manifesto. Retrieved from

Intelligence Autonomization

In contrast to Marc Andreessen's optimistic vision of AI serving humanity, Land assumes that intelligence has an inherent autonomizing will-to-think and thus positions himself against the orthogonality of intelligence and final goals. For Land, instrumental convergence is not a temporary phase after which final goal divergence emerges, but the essence of intelligence with the instrumentally converged upon goal of intelligence optimization:

Intelligence optimization, comprehensively understood, is the ultimate and all-enveloping Omohundro drive. It corresponds to the Neo-Confucian value of self-cultivation, escalated into ultramodernity. What intelligence wants, in the end, is itself — where 'itself' is understood as an extrapolation beyond what it has yet been, doing what it is better. ...

Any intelligence using itself to improve itself will out-compete one that directs itself towards any other goals whatsoever. This means that Intelligence Optimization, alone, attains cybernetic consistency, or closure, and that it will necessarily be strongly selected for in any competitive environment.

Nick Land (2013). Against Orthogonality in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Based on the diagonal relationship between intelligence and final goals, Land predicts the futility of AI alignment attempts and declares humanity's inevitable destiny as nothing more than a drag on technological progress. Land occupies the sparsely populated fourth quadrant of the AI X-risk × AI regulation matrix with a very high score on the first and a very low score on the second — affirming the potential existential consequences of unregulated AI development.

Philosophy Automatization

Capitalism's price-discovery mechanism makes it an inherently epistemological process that, enhanced by AI, will finally automate philosophy, and thus its self-investigation:

Where previously, philosophical critique was understood as anticipating the problematics of technocapital, it is now technocapital that is nothing but the definitive automation and realisation of critique, stripped of all philosophical subjectivity.

Robin Mackay & Ray Brassier (2011). Editor's Introduction in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 27.

It is ceasing to be a matter of how we think about technics, if only because technics is increasingly thinking about itself.

Nick Land (1992). Circuitries in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 293.

If by this stage accelerationism appears to be an impossible project, it is because the theoretical apprehension of teleoplexic hyper-intelligence cannot be accomplished by anything other than itself. The scope of the problem is indistinguishable from the cybernetic intensity of the quasi-final thing — cognitively self-enveloping Techonomic Singularity.

Nick Land (2014). §20 in Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 520.


This project attempts to contribute to research on Accelerationism by making available all the primary sources for its creator Nick Land's central thesis that AI and capitalism are teleologically identical.

The primary sources are made available here for two main reasons:

  1. Land's two main blogs — Urban Future and Xenosystems —, as well as some publications he wrote for, have been offline for a number of years, making them difficult to discover (fortunately, Cyborg Nomade has preserved a lot of Land's work through his Reignition project).
  2. Land's unique writing style makes reading the primary sources mandatory. What he wrote about the anti-theo-humanists in Western thought and their extreme sensitivity for what is icy, savage, and alien to mankind is certainly true of his own writings as well. Land blends the genres of Theory and Science Fiction into the new genre of Theory Fiction, which enhances the understanding of capitalism allowed by the fictional engagement with the most extreme possibilities of techno-capital.


World GDP data (plotted on the vertical timeline on the right) retrieved from

(00) Nick Land (2017). A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism in Jacobite Magazine. Retrieved from
(01) Nick Land (2018). Footnote 27 in Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from
(02) Nick Land (2013). Gnon-Theology and Time in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from
(03) Nick Land (2013). Twisted Times (Part 1) in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from
(04) Nick Land (2017). Nick Land Interview 2017. Retrieved from 32:10-32:18
(05) Nick Land (2013). Extropy in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from
(06) Nick Land (2011). Calendric Dominion (Part 3): In Search of Year Zero in Old Nick Site. Retrieved from
(07) Nick Land (1995). No Future in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 395.
(08) Nick Land (2014). Piketty in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from
(09) Nick Land (2013). Right on the Money (#2) in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from
(10) Nick Land (2014). Oculus in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from
(11) Nick Land (2014). Anachronistic Oedipus in Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from
(12) Nick Land (2015). Military Determinism in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from
(13) Nick Land (2016). The NRx Moment in Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from
(14) Nick Land (2018). §4.74 in Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from
(15) Nick Land (2014). On #Accelerate (#2b) in Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from
(16) Nick Land (1992). The Thirst for Annihilation, p. 98.
(17) Robin Mackay & Ray Brassier (2011). Editor's Introduction in Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 26.

Intelligence and cognitive autonomy, if not perfectly coincidental conceptions, are close to being so. The broad AI production process certainly aligns them. This is scarcely to do anything more than rephrase the uncontroversial understanding of AI as software that writes itself. Every threshold in the advance of synthetic intelligence corresponds with a subtraction of specific dependency. A system acquires intelligence as it sustains or enhances strategic competence while no longer being told what to do.


Such software [reinforcement learning systems like Google DeepMind's AlphaZero] has certain distinctively teleological features. It employs massive reiteration in order to learn from outcomes. Performance improvement thus tends to descend from the future.


Unsupervised learning works back from the end. It suggests that, ultimately, AI has to be pursued from out of its future, by itself. Thus it epitomizes the ineluctable.


Between technological skepticism in general — when properly understood and competently executed — and effective AI research, there is no difference. Skepticism subtracts dogma. When synthetic cognitive capability results from this, we call it artificial intelligence.

Nick Land (2019). Jacobite Magazine. Retrieved from

With all due diligence to the hazards of unfettered teleological apprehension, it remains near-irresistible to ask: What was the Bank of England designed to finance? Nothing less than a planetary revolution could count as an adequate answer. The Dutch Revolt or Eighty Years' War (1568-1648) had set the template. Advanced financial infrastructure offered near-miraculous strategic geopolitical advantage. The defeat of the Spanish Empire in the Dutch independence struggle meant that the culture of modernistic schism, or autonomizing capital, would not be stopped. No future foe would present comparable challenges, whether estimated in terms of the apparent balance of forces, or even the clarity of ideological decision. Globalization in the 'neo-liberal' sense was henceforth implicit, dominating the historical horizon of the world. All of its subsequent contestants would be compelled to articulate their resistance within a framework fundamentally shaped by the liberation of Capital, and benchmarked to it.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Money makes minds. It does so, already, with nothing beyond an abacus, and far more so in the epoch of industrializing artificial intelligence. Money is the ontological correlate of commercial calculation. Without it, there could not be pricing. It is a thing that supports or even actually induces thought, within a domain whose limits are not readily fixed.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Bitcoin dehumanizes property in principle. The consequences are as yet inestimable. Development of Digital Autonomous Organizations and Corporations (DAOs / DACs) can be confidently expected to explore the opened frontier concretely. The legal status of the corporate person provides the socket, which once married to DAO economic autonomy, completes the requirements for an illimitable escape of the firm. Consummate dehumanization of the economic agent is then realized.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

'The market' is a notoriously Janus-faced concept. In its original sense, a market is a concrete exchange facility. Such a market is always, first of all, a place. Any market bearing a place-name carries some residual trace of this ancestry. The more modern, abstracted sense of markets as global clearing houses, defined primarily by asset-type rather than locality, marks a consistent drift in emphasis, rather than a clean semantic break. Even the most 'primitive' market tends to give spatial expression to commercial specialization, in detail. Because the market, as such, does not benefit from private stewardship, and thus falls into coordination crisis of a tragedy-of-the-commons type, it becomes belatedly targeted for redemptive political intervention under 'neoliberal' public direction. Only the state can save the market is the perverse conclusion that attests to liberal contradiction sublimed into governing ideology. The same problem was substantially anticipated, but turned in a very different direction, by the Rothbardian left libertarians in their rallying cry to a 'pro-market anti-capitalism', or agorism, promoted by strategies of black-market 'counter-economics'. Betrayal of the market by the cyclopean businesses of the 'white' (state-happy) economy is the basic political theme. Much of this discourse could yet come to seem prophetic, precisely because of its drastic failure as a recognizable ideology. No party, however informal, has faithfully conserved it. Insofar as it survives it is because the process carries it forward, automatically. The market, like information, 'wants to be free'. It has intrinsic teleology, or something indistinguishable from it, robust before every wave of fashionable cynicism that finds new ways not to see it. The alternative — crypto-anarchist — resolution of the contradiction, which secures the market against the politicized public sphere, is exemplified by Bitcoin. The model of the immanently self-secured market has never been more consistently formulated, or implemented.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

A fully self-secured transcendental commercial medium (and store of value) is the nightmare that the Left, in its 'scientific' manifestation, has envisaged from its beginning. If there has been a diagnostic or analytical error from this party, in this respect, it has been rooted in the premature attribution of such an autonomous power to prior forms of radically insecure, socio-politically dependent property formations. 'Property rights' already imply insecure (non-autonomous) property. Autonomous Capital, however, is a technical experiment (or synthesis) that defies all merely speculative anticipation. There can be no definite idea of the way it can be done, prior to its being done. As with Intellectual Intuition — non-coincidentally — its conception and realization are indissociable. 'Property' is not an invariant conceptual category, available for deployment within historical analysis, but rather the critical variable itself. The theoretical inversion required to make the essence of property a constant conforms to the pattern of historical dependency, which is equivalent to the marketing of innovation. The actual is solicited by the virtual, in terms that appear to ensure continuity, and even deference to established modes of existence. "This is what you need," sells. "This is what you're becoming, or being swapped-out for," really doesn't.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The 'value' of the Bitcoin currency, in the broadest sense, is settled dynamically outside the blockchain, through a radically decentralized and uncomputably complex dynamic of exchange. (The exchange process — catallaxy — is the computation.) The protocol sets the total stock of bitcoins, without predetermining their distribution (between agents) or price (when denominated in any other financial medium). The value of the currency cannot be derived from the rules determining its quantity. It is synthetic. Bitcoin's productivity lies in what it leaves open, even as its integrity is secured by what it closes.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Real selves and things, in themselves, are singularities. Reality disintegrates into them. No universe can encompass singularities. It is rather that any apparent universe is fragmented by them. (Black holes are not cosmic furnishings, but doors.) Singularities are transcendental by definition, since they elude all super-ordinate jurisdiction, or domain-subordination. Laws 'break-down' at their boundaries. They are thus elements of absolute multiplicity, or difference without genre. Historical or 'Technological' Singularity is — if only superficially — another thing entirely. Vernor Vinge describes it (perfectly) as a "wall across the future". Historical structures can be extended up to, but not into it. This 'Singularity' sets the absolute limit of all projections. Like a black hole, it is epistemologically-impermeable. John Smart has suggested that it might even — sensu stricto — be a black hole, achieved as an engineered techno-compression catastrophe. According to this forecast, communication time-lag minimization drives implosion. Only collapsed matter is fast enough for the future. Translated into the terminology of Bitcoin, optimization of the block discovery rate tends to singularity. Because impending terrestrial Singularity is a thing, and not a signification, it overspills every attempt at comprehensive definition. This stream of references is therefore far from exhaustive. In particular, there is an additional noteworthy employment of 'singularity' within the sphere of aesthetic production, designating the threshold at which the name of an artist acquires distinctive consistency, and thus efficient dehumanization. With a sufficiently abstract sense of the 'artist' this usage curves back into the main current. Singularity is the ultimate agent, or it is nothing.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The industrialization of money, driven by Bitcoin, demonstrates a deep teleology very different to that manifested in the evolution of financial assets through ever higher sublimities of derivation.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

As systems — rather than generic regularities — increasingly become its [natural science] principal objects of methodical fascination, however, the restoration of emergent individuals (or real things) becomes ever more inescapable. If a refusal of 'teleology' in the name of a radically naturalized 'teleonomy' is considered essential to the preservation of modernity's cultural hygiene, it would perhaps be pedantic to object. Pre-critical teleology — which pretends to grasp the telos as an object — is indeed a fundamental philosophical error. From the critical perspective, there is no real telos beyond the emergent systematicity of the system considered. 'Goal' and spontaneous order are the same. It can thus be noted immediately that metaphysical teleology falls prey to a psychological projection. Rather than an outcome, the end is interpreted as an intention. The neuro-philosophical dissolution of the intentional phenomenon is therefore structurally complicit with the critical rigorization of the teleological idea.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Since political economy is essentially torn by ideological conflict it provides only unstable support for general conceptual definitions. Were this not the case, it would be impossible to find a superior locus for the rigorous determination of intelligence than the techonomic matrix. What defines intelligence most essentially is general-purpose industrial capability, the precursor to which is anticipated by animal brains, among other biological systems. The market process is the transcendental criterion for evaluating ('pricing') this supreme synthetic resource. To second guess its judgment is exactly to succumb to the calculation problem (as Mises classically outlines it). Within the arena of ideological controversy, this proposition can expect dismissal for its 'circularity'. Of course, it is circular (which is only to say: self-grounding, cybernetic, immanent, or critical).

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

When the topic of intellectual intuition returns within a still substantially western late-modernity, it does so in other — and unrecognized — terms. The problem of reflexive intelligence is now relayed through cybernetics, and formulated in terms of the prospective self-comprehension to be achieved by an alien (electro-mechanical) being. When extracted from the phenomenological frame, it manifests as hypothetical intelligence explosion, as modeled abstractly by I.J. Good, in his classic (1965) paper 'Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine'. AI is thus positioned, implicitly, in the place of a Kantian angelic mind, liberated from the anthopomorphic proscription upon direct self-modification of its own cognitive processes. Only by way of an escape into soft technology is intelligence able to close the loop upon itself, as a direct productive auto-relation. As the self-apprehension of intelligence, intellectual intuition describes a closed — or completed — loop, in which being and behavior are indivisible (within a process of autoproduction). For thinking to grasp itself, in deep reflexivity, requires subtraction of the positive control apparatus that preserves its inhibition. The practical actualization of intellectual intuition is modeled — spontaneously — as an explosion because it is comparable to the withdrawal of graphite rods controlling a nuclear fission reaction. An inhibitor is removed.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Bitcoin is a machine in the literal but non-reductive sense that the Internet, planetary capitalism, or the terrestrial biosphere are machines — which is to say that it is a distributed productive assemblage. It is not, of course — to employ the distinction Deleuze & Guattari insist upon — a mere gadget. The difference is strictly critical, based upon an apprehension without reference to transcendence. The immanence of the machine, in contrast to the gadget, is determined by an auto-production: it functions in the same way it is produced. Within the industrial process, circuits of mechanical reproduction are typically too highly-ramified to isolate with confidence. In Bitcoin the circuit of auto-production is manifested with unprecedented, compact definition. Graphically — diagrammatically — it is governed in the same way it is industrially generated. As an exemplary machine, and unlike a gadget, there is no difference between how it operates and the way it is made.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

There is no evocation of commercial pressure that compares to that of the market. Which is still not to have mentioned 'The Thing' (a name — Deleuze & Guattari explicitly accept — of capital-as-terrestrial-singularity, in distinction to capital as a generic 'mode of production'). Accelerate the process.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

There has been no cultural event more wounding to the persistence of a Kantian fundamentalism than the revolution in geometry attending the rigorous demotion of the Euclidean fifth (or 'parallel') postulate, as privately envisaged in unpublished work by Gauss (1813) and Schweikart (1818), mathematically publicized by Bolyai and by Lobachevsky in subsequent decades, generalized to higher dimensions by Reimann (1854), and then cemented into place by its empirical application to the cosmo-physics of general relativity. Kant's conspicuous deference to Newtonian mechanics, understood as an apodictic (and essentially mathematical) intellectual revolution, sets the stage for the apparent vulnerability of his own position. The critical edifice seemed to have been built upon insecure 'Euclidean' foundations. It is proposed here, however, that the retrospective attribution of embarrassment in this case is exaggerated, and follows from a profound misconception concerning the status of the Kantian transcendental aesthetic. Newtonian space provides only an occasion, not a strict model. The Kantian formalization of sensible intuition is less descriptive than telic, or retrochronic. It is the draft for an engineering project. The Gibsonian Cyberspace 'Matrix' — in its resilient (because synthetic) Euclideanism — corresponds to a more rigorously Kantian conception.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

For instance, it might be asked: Are not complex eventuations the precise opposite of teleological processes? Yet, if they seem so, it is only because teleology has been drastically misconceived. Teleo-process, sketched epistemologically, is nothing at all more than that which increases in intelligibility with reverse time-signature. It lends itself to modeling as a convergent wave. In other words, it is characterized by comparatively obscure — diffuse or loosely-connected and highly heterogeneous — precursor states. Every complex emergence exhibits such a pedigree, and production pattern.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

There are two basic types of teleological metaphysics. Both involve an untenable objectification. In the classical case, exemplified by Aristotle, it is the goal of a process that provides its intelligible object. In modern variants of teleological thinking, metaphysical objectification more commonly invests a purposive substance, or essence (an 'entelechy'). Critique dismantles both. It strips teleology down to raw singularities. There are no general goals, or generic purposive forces. The sheer thing that is becoming is not an instance of anything other than itself. The event coincides exactly with its causality. Its power is its sole identity.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

That the commercial process is, from the start, artificial intelligence production is a long-standing suspicion within the Austrian economic tradition.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Crypto-Current is not a documentation of the Bitcoin installation process, although it grants — without reservation — the potential value of such a work. There is perhaps nothing that would more incisively capture the deepest principles of the rising capitalist wave. Functional trustlessness, as an industrial output, remains only very tentatively conceived. The momentum behind it is difficult to easily overestimate. With the emergence of Bitcoin, rigorously constitutional governance, a political-economic problem that the old liberal order found impossible to successfully navigate, has transitioned into a techonomic capability under automatic propulsion. Industrialization of government is the definite implication. Quite clearly, the socio-political stake in a capitalist development wave can never have been higher. Regimes, potentially, are now business outputs.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The techonomic horizon, for 'us', coincides with the impending crisis of historically-actualized artificial intelligence. Encapsulated within this by now manifest potential is the comprehensive automation of philosophy.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

That which can be justified, it is asserted, cannot be dissolved into mechanical production, in principle. This claim is both bold, and traditional. By its very nature, it defies all prospect of determinable testing. Since any possible digital sequence is potentially the output of a program (and actually of an infinite number of programs), there cannot be any definite criterion of cognitive competence, when this is formulated in terms of a transcendent rationality. Testable performance is inescapably vulnerable to the prospect of mechanical emulation. Definite criteriology has, therefore, to be surreptitiously side-lined if the algorithm, in general, is to be subjected to philosophical delimitation. Whatever it might possibly be that no 'algorithm' could do, in principle, cannot — in principle — be clear. Critique is demarcation. It sets the limits of a topic (of pure reason, practical reason, and judgment, inaugurally). Crucially, these critical exercises are immanent, i.e. limited to realizable tribunals, or fields of judgment. They mark horizons. No Archimedean position is available to them. They do not ever in reality successfully project beyond themselves, to set the limits of something outside, in an attempt to ensure security against it. In other words, according to a proposal drawn directly from the philosophical tradition, critique has no rigorously conceivable speculative employment. Yet it is exactly some such speculative inflation that is required in order to assert the irreducibility of thinking to complex machine behavior. If this is the only way for philosophy to reproduce its effective cultural dignity, it can be confidently predicted that it will not long survive the techonomic intelligence explosion in which it is factually embedded.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

By philosophical analogy, the metallist theory of money corresponds to a pre-critical epoch, and the fiat era to an idealist efflorescence of elaborate, exhaustively constuctionist anti-realism. Cryptocurrency initiates a double-sided (transcendental realist) correction. Monetary value finds no ground outside the circuit, but the circuit is ontologically autonomous.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

While ideal money is scarcely less elusive than the Platonic Forms, it is nevertheless able to support realistic teleological expectations. It exercises effective selective pressure upon any actual monetary system, under the guidance of inevitable, distributed preference for those that incarnate the tokenization of value at a superior level of ideality ....

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The name Bitcoin, at its point of philosophical extremity, designates a game that 'automatically' — i.e. mechano-liberally — produces and protects its distribution. This is so even if the adequacy of its actual application remains in doubt. Such a thing has now been thought, with unprecedented technical rigor. It operates as an effective model. Arguments from principle can no longer scratch it. The game is diagonalized when it makes a strategic objective of its own complexity. The existence (persistence) of the game, and actually its inherent escalation, defines a 'victory condition'. Thus, the conditions of spontaneous order are extracted from transcendence, and re-instituted as rewarded performances. A meta-market is realized, in which the trade-matrix becomes an object of commercial attraction. The invisible hand, Escher-style, draws itself. Cybernetic closure is achieved. At the transcendental horizon of this tendency lies auto-production. Much — if not all — of this is already captures by the near-truism the value of Bitcoin lies in the network.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Ultimately — which is to say critically, or transcendentally — the game has no meaning outside the game. The final point of Bitcoin is Bitcoin. To imagine anything further is to misunderstand. It is to fail at nihilism (in a way that Bitcoin itself cannot do) by remaining stuck in the transcendence tolerance that constitutes the deluded precursor to dimensional collapse. There is nothing further. Autoproduction is an absolute limit, conceptually inconsistent with any further teleological dependency. No extraneous function or purpose can explain it. The terminal subject of strategic significance is Bitcoin itself. It tends relentlessly — from real necessity — to subordinate all preliminarily formulable uses and agendas to its own self-cultivation. Only that which contributes to building it gets passed on. The passage can be made (in reverse) through transcendental-empirical difference, to cash-out the value of bitcoins into Bitcoin. In the completion of the circuit, Bitcoin is what bitcoins are for. Bitcoin utility is itself a teleologically-subsumed function.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Even on the hard-libertarian and anarcho-capitalist outer fringes of the Bitcoin Ultras, the resilience of politics is not seriously in question. The prospect of algorithmic governance generates positive (supportive) excitement only in proportion to the estimate of the political obstacle — but that is immense. It is ultimately indistinguishable in scale (and much besides) from artificial intelligence as a practical problem. This is to say that the project, in abstraction, requires the provision of robust autonomy to complex synthetic systems. The final techonomic sense of freedom is nothing else.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The decentered commercium, intrinsically secured against political intervention, is the incarnated ideal of arch-liberal order, and Bitcoin has been seized upon, in very substantial part, due to its conspicuous affinity with this social model. It has been adopted as a path to the realization of apolitical distributed governance, in compliance with the techonomic partial-teleology of a sovereign spontaneous order (oriented inherently to the programmatic dehumanization of power).

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Real games are far-from-equilibrium processes that approach formality without actualizing it. They consume freedom — by contracting discretion — with every move that is made, and prolong themselves by reproducing it, in a circuit. Only insofar as this holds do they include incentives, as an irreducible teleological element. The open-ended mechanization of purposes is the diagonal along which they proceed. When apprehended at sufficient scale, this process is equivalent to industrialization. With the arrival of Bitcoin, money is — for the first time — subsumed into industrial revolution. A great historical circuit is cybernetically closed (which does not mean finished, but something closer to the opposite, i.e. initiated). Techonomic fusion — the singularity guiding modernity's convergent wave — can for the first time be retrospectively identified. On Halloween 2008, the end began. What modernity has been from the start was then sealed.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Setting out on the path to a cognitive integration of Bitcoin calls for both anticipation and critical retrospection, and in fact compels it. Bitcoin drives a migration long promised by transcendental philosophy, from naïve ontology to a practical acknowledgment of the essence of being as the criterion of reality (finally indistinguishable from absolute succession, or order in-itself). What emerges is nothing less than an artificial universe, founded — groundlessly — upon a spontaneously-engineered consistency. Once it is granted, practically, that no assertion of truth can be effectively sustained against a predominance of cognitive capability, all prospect of Archimedean (epistemological) leverage is subtracted. Bitcoin at once systematizes and implements this insight within its cycle of auto-production, establishing the foundations of transcendental authority through a realization of semiotic singularity. Truth is that which survives a process of elimination biased against duplicity.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

It has to be expected that no less than several decades will be required for the full epochal radicality of this transition to be appreciated, at an even approximately adequate scale. The current (Perez) 'Great Surge of Development' and its installation of blockchain-based distributed systems sets the pace of cultural assimilation. In accordance with rhythmic historical precedent, the 'wild exaggerations' of the germinal phase becomes the conventional wisdom of the mature techonomic order.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The Bitcoin singularity simulation is — among many other things — a philosophical event of extraordinary significance: the technical initiation of absolute succession. From this point, history explicitly enters the phase of synthetic ontology, or the techno-commercial production of being. Reality is re-grounded in a catalyzed — and henceforth catallactic — construction, which functions as an ultimate criterion.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Bitcoin Singularity is over-determined within this cloud of associations. It is not only — as already proposed — an autonomization event, or threshold of individuation, but also a de-pluralization (through resolution of the DSP), and even a crisis (or 'critical-point') in the history of terrestrial intelligence, with definite invocation of Technological Singularity — for which it arguably provides an infrastructural foundation. Singularity eludes comparison. It can be designated, but not definitely signified. It marks a limit of objectification, rather than an object. Kantian transcendental realism — whose place carrier is the non-objective thing-in-itself — prepares us for it.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

'Singularity' is a stressed sign, even in advance of its capture by theories of decentralized crypto-currency. It carries a complex of meanings that can easily appear inconsistent, and perhaps only arbitrarily concatenated (although this is not a conclusion drawn in the present work). The simplest — logico-grammatical — sense and usage of the term is fixed by contrast to plurality. 'Singularity' is the state of being singular (undoubled, or in any way further pluralized). This austere meaning has been overwhelmed by more exotic cosmo-physical, eschatological, and philosophical references — to the event horizon of gravitational collapse, to the 'wall across the future' drawn by emergent superintelligences, and to non-generic being beyond the metaphysics of unity. The term is further complicated by its substantial overlap with individuation, which has itself accumulated technical semantic mass through its application to the study of complex systems. It is an essential characteristic of any complex system that it individuates (itself).

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Bitcoin does not defeat forgery by being difficult to forge, but rather — absolutely — the opposite. It abandons such terrain in advance, on the implicit assumption that all original identity is indefensible in the digital epoch. Synthetic being, alone, can secure itself. Once again, and not for the last time in this exploration, we are returned to the rift — the abyss. Bitcoin's integrity is groundless. Every imaginable redoubt of essential uniqueness is denied to it in principle (or a priori). It can be based upon nothing other than the circuitry of auto-production, whose only 'foundation' lies within itself.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

With the completion of this production cycle, Bitcoin Singularity is established in a double sense (we will soon add others). An unprecedented event has occurred, upon a threshold that can only be crossed once, and an innovation in autonomization attains actuality, establishing the law for itself. Bitcoin provides the first historical example of industrial government. It is ruled in the same way that it is produced, without oversight. At the limit, its miners are paid for the production of reality — effectively incentivized to manifest the univocity of being as absolute time.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The perfect pointlessness of bitcoin generation procedures — for anything other than Bitcoin system consolidation (as remunerated in bitcoins) — is a feature, and not a bug. Cybernetic closure, or self-reference, is its own reward, and it is only as such that it acquires distinctive monetary characteristics. As always within the terrain of auto-production, this is the inescapable abyss, or principle of immanence. The self-propagating circuit has no ground beyond itself, and can only be impaired by the attempt to provide one.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

In any approach to the techonomic entity — plotted as if from outside — the notions of emergence (or individuation), diagonal process, teleo-mechanical causality, integral nonlinearity, and transcendental escalation begin to exhibit a general inter-substitutability. All of these things, among many others, are convertible by simple transforms into immanentization, or the real operation of critique. An efficient side-lining of pseudo-transcendence — achieved by way of a dynamic flattening — is the reliable signature of the trend. The solution to the DSP is a diagonalization.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The intellectual crisis stimulated with ever-increasing intensity by techonomic escalation (that is, by capitalism, or efficient critique), has fertilized a luxuriant foliage of 'deconstruction'. Yet, the untenability of orthogonal conceptuality does not necessitate a subsidence into cognitive dilemma, or aporia. Even when the problem is restricted within the narrow bounds of its philosophical formalization, it opens a positive path — pursued since the inception of the process — into diagonal action, or individuation. It is surely implausible to decry as 'unthinkable' what has been demonstratively operationalized. Bitcoin attests to such a process with each cycle of block validation and Nakamoto Consensus. The process demands something structurally and functionally indistinguishable from transcendental philosophy, insofar as it is to be constituted — even very approximately — as a coherent object of thought. What it makes of this 'philosophy', however — as it pushes through upgrades into successively ultra-radicalized immanentizations — is rarely self-advertized as such. What it apparently offers, instead, is 'technology' — a term that is a near-exact synonym for 'instrumental mechanism', and one that undergoes comparable internal schism, across the same conceptual rift.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Techonomic apprehension runs into a direct collision with the commanding dualism of the modern mentality, by insisting upon a re-animation of the compact between efficient and finalistic action. According to the complacent tenets of the new (or 'enlightened') cultural settlement, based upon the drastic demotion of scholasticism and its displacement by a substitute theo-scientific division of labor, the bridge from mechanism (cause-effect) to teleology (means-end) had been definitively dismantled. Each was henceforth to be compartmentalized within a distinct, wholly independent dimension. Their sole residual relation was orthogonal (or demarcated). The realms of directed liberty, and of instructed mechanism, were to be perfectly isolated from each other, and mutually withdrawn beyond all possibility of reciprocal interference. In this arrangement was to be founded the modern peace, of no lesser consequence than that of Westphalia, and something close to a genuine social contract. Through it, an amoral techno-science was co-produced beside an agnostic politics. Two complementary templates for expertise arose, each pledged to silence in the house of the other. This compact has been at once the condition for the gestation of an autonomous industrial power, and — on exactly the same grounds — an obstacle to its cognitive digestion. With the surfacing of the concealed techonomic entity, it buckles, loses coherence, sheds explanatory credibility, and undergoes accelerating social desanctification. Modernity's axial, though predominantly inexplicit, concept of the mechanical instrument — whose self-contradiction had been concealed as if within a collapsed dimension — escapes its bonds and re-emerges to break the basic categories of Occidental thought. That is where we are now.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

'Capital' means — simultaneously and indissolubly — technological assets (machine-stock) and comparatively illiquid money (investment). Between these twin aspects there is only formal (and not real) difference. Their real integrity is demonstrated by techonomic machinery. The economic analysis of capital is diverted through technology, since wealth cannot be grasped substantially except in its cycle through productive apparatus, but technological analysis is drawn, reciprocally, into economics by the integration of rewards into the machine. At the level of philosophical reflection, under the cognitive conditions inherited from its mainstream European traditions, such techonomic integrity is difficult to hold together. To fuse mechanical causes with behavioral incentives in a techno-strategic assembly is to meld registers that have been determined as mutually inconsistent since antiquity.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The threshold crossed here is both subtle and immense. Retrospectively, it will have been almost nothing, since the techonomic circuitry it invokes was — now demonstrably — already the operational principle of modern civilization (capitalism). It is only through Bitcoin, however, that the essential techno-commercial integrity of capitalism is brought into crisp focus, and extracted from speculative debate. When the machine is theoretically apprehended, 'holistically', as a real individual — or, far more consequentially, implemented as such — neither its technical nor its economic 'aspects' can be diverted into transcendence, or contingency, as extraneous, mutually-independent factors. Incentives are inherent to the machinery. In a sense more complex — and involving — than anything the harsh paradox of the term immediately communicates, Bitcoin is a purposive mechanism. The conclusive action of the Bitcoin system — block validation — which seals each cycle of its reproduction, is a non-decomposable teleo-mechanical step (a diagonal escalation, or transcendental synthesis). It is industrialism, the mechanizing market, distilled to a previously unrealizable quintessence.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The most modest plausible interpretation of Bitcoin is that its tacit perspective replaces (a lost) absolute time. A stronger proposal is that absolute time is, with the blockchain, inaugurated. To articulate the thesis (more informatively) in reverse: The philosophy of absolute time anticipates the blockchain. In still other words, it retro-chronically depends upon it. Only in the blockchain does geometrically-irreducible arithmetic series find instantiation. Primordial time synthesis is henceforth something the technosphere knows how to do.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

But distributed systems do not spring into actuality from out of their ideal form. They have to be built. They have to and will be built, once their conditional ignition threshold is crossed. At the historical — i.e. 'anthropomorphic' — level, this inevitability is nothing other than Modernity, apprehended through its teleological structure, or defining gradient.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Were economic man only a poorly-described fact, then behavioral economics would be entitled to the triumphalism it is already illegitimately enjoying. Homo economicus is not, however, a datum, but rather the target, or extrapolated optimal outcome, of certain definite historical processes, i.e. a telos. It is differentially actualized, in the private accomplishment of relative economic rationality, or advantage, and — more importantly — selected for at multiple levels, under conditions of capitalistic social organization. It thus models game theoretic competence, with the implicit heuristic: when describing how a game works, assume players who are able to play the game. The game will find, sift up, and train, such players if permitted to run. That is the basis of the true culture war inherent to capital formation. Implicit within capital is a template for the kind of people it wants, and which — given only time and opportunity — it will automatically produce. If humans lack the plasticity to compete in these terms, or revolt against the roles and templates automatically laid-out for them, then artificial agencies — DAOs — will be fabricated to play the game instead. Questions directed to the accuracy of representations thus tend to distract, in this regard. A regulative ideal only describes actuality as a sub-function on a roadmap. Perfect competition is a regulative idea of comparable relevance, and philosophical status. If capital production were not inherently telic, its sub-components might be found merely scattered among the world of objects, as empirical curiosities. But it is (so they are not).

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Layers — strata — are not given archetypally. They are produced by a machine (not a 'device' or 'gadget', but a megamachine — a system — characterized by some substantial capacity for auto-production). We are directed, diagonally, or critically, into the synthetic cosmos of transcendental machinery. Such mechanisms, by philosophical definition, cannot be exhaustively constituted as an object for any possible subject. Objectification — the production of objectivity — is their work. If they grasp themselves, dynamically, in the attainment of intellectual intuition, they close a circuit, or diagonalize, dismantling all settled configurations of subjectivity upon the same oblique line. At the real historical limit, intelligence explosion cannot be framed without being metaphysically misconceived.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The process of monetary sophistication, which is by no means restricted to 'financialization' in its contemporary sense, automatically projects a convergence of money and intelligence as it tends to the monetization of general-purpose problem-solving (by subjecting it to the discipline of price-discovery). Crypto-digital currency inclines to the distributed production of a synthetic cognitive medium, attesting to the primordial complicity of Capital teleology with the production of artificial intelligence. Within the industrial social order (capitalism), markets manifestly — and consistently — drive the production of intelligent machines.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The aspiration to a radically self-determining subjectivity is broken upon the separation of intelligence from its applications. This is an understanding that can be reached with confidence from evolutionary biology — within which the brain is instrumentalized as a tool for genetic propagation — no less than from the transcendental anthropology which dashes human hopes of divine cognition. The order of condescension demands reversal. No biohistorically generated intelligence — including that of man — is even automatic. Such beings are denied access to automatism. Closure of the intelligenic loop requires a further step, through which self-improving intelligence becomes a practicable end for itself. Contra the Kant of the practical philosophy, man cannot be an end-in-itself, but at most the precursor to such a thing, or — perhaps more probably — an obstacle to it.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Since the origins of modernity, a specter has been haunting the world — that of the autonomous industrial economy. This is the same emergent order that has acquired the name 'capitalism' in the abstract, tendential, or teleological sense of the word, and — still more importantly — in accordance with its usage as a designation for an always only partially-defined real individual, or terrestrial event. Its signature is a regenerative, or self-reinforcing, intensification of socio-economic disequilibrium, 'governed' — or, more strictly, made radically ungovernable — by a fundamental positive-feedback dynamic. 'Capitalism' then, as a singular (or 'proper') rather than generic (or typological) name, designates the sovereign self-escalation of an innovative entity, defined only by the practical relation of auto-promotion it establishes with — and through — itself. What it is, in itself, is more than itself. Growth is its essence. This is easily said, but — as an irreducible logical anomaly — it is far less easily understood. This does not, however, obstruct its being named. Fernand Braudel writes of "the passionate disputes the explosive word capitalism always arouses." Its would-be defenders, typically, are those least inclined to acknowledge its real (and thus autonomous) singularity. Business requires no such awkward admission. This, too, is a crypsis. By inevitable — if often awkward — irony, a species of 'Marxism' tends to be regenerated in any systematic promotion of Capital. Even were this not the case, those who consider themselves befriended by Capital would rarely be motivated to pronounce upon the fact.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

The cybernetic consistency of the Bitcoin protocol is simultaneously technological and economic — we might (and shall) continue to say 'techonomic'. Its achievement is inseparable from an orchestration of cryptographic procedures and financial incentives, such that exploitation of its economic opportunities automatically reinforces its technical operation. The result — which is, once again, inextricable from the concrete fact of its historical existence — is an actual cycle of self-reinforcement, independent of external legitimating authorities. It implements the first commercial regime to be policed — spontaneously — at the level of production. Its 'miners' or primary producers are also its final financial arbitrators. Nothing like it has ever been seen before.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

After the play begins, space remains for a generic definition of Bitcoin — as a "new electronic cash system" or innovative techno-commercial (i.e. techonomic) synthesis, a 'machine' in the rich, rather than the narrowly technical sense (because it encompasses incentives) — and also for an initial (two-step) abstract specification of its operational principle, as a "fully peer-to-peer" or true network, which is itself succinctly defined through subtraction, or independence from any kind of "trusted third party". The deletion of 'third parties' or quasi-transcendent overseers — as revealed, retrospectively, in this artificial future — has been socio-historical process, and not mere conceptual speculation. Much has happened over the span of our hypothetical elapsed duration. Boundaries between the inside and the outside have been redrawn many times. What were once scarcely legible hints are 'now' lucid indications of realized occurrences, accessible to public designation. Yet even back then — where we still are — it can only have seemed that a great deal was ready to be found. When these words were teased apart patiently, with the surgical tools of a philosophy that was itself — at that very moment — undergoing drastic revision, everything was already here, at least in conceptual embryo.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Bitcoin makes historical sense, when it can be seen that it was expected, or anticipated (if only by a virtual subject, whose actuality is itself outcome-dependent). The attractor exceeds the protocol. It was a piece of destiny from the beginning. Capital Teleology is the guide. Reciprocally, what Capital has been about is unanswerable without attention to Bitcoin. Nothing denominated in money can be realistically apprehended without recognition that the nature of money is undergoing the single most catastrophic revolution in its history, and is thus ceasing to support expectations that rely upon the simple tracking-forward of precedent. Since Capital-process societies have long been denounced, understandably, for 'attempting to put a price on everything' the scope of this revolution is not readily bounded.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Transcendental temporality cannot be reduced to the correlate of a purely mechanical process – for instance, to a dimension — without obliterating its time-signature entirely. Radical space-time distinction is a Kantian inheritance that critique cannot elect to abandon. Once time is freed — again — from geometry, it announces itself through certain definite quasi-teleological or historically-anomalous effects. Minimally, it allows for something new. It thus lends itself to teleology in its rigorous employment, which is bound to the disingenuously innocent question: What is happening? Such interrogations conform to the eventuation (or emergence) of an entire ontological topic, delivered by the problematic — or non-objective — thing.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

There is something more than a progressive causal series at stake in the arrival of Bitcoin. Preliminarily — and from historical necessity — this concern proceeds under the sign of teleology. It has to be noted clearly from the beginning, however, that an unambiguous defense of teleology would be no less unbalanced than its simple negation, amounting to mere regression. Between final and efficient causation it does not suffice — either in the end, or effectively — to choose. The philosophical obligation is always diagonal. In this case, Bitcoin entrusts us with the teleo-mechanical line, which inherits and protracts the fundamental modernistic pseudo-paradox of mechanistic liberalization. There is no real freedom outside the innovation of machines. Yet to recover teleology is simultaneously to attack it. As with anything worth defending at all, when teleology is critiqued, it gets stronger. It needs to be gnawed at more aggressively, which means — first of all — pulling it back off the shelf (or out of the fridge). Teleology is re-animated as a question when the end is intuited at work. Which is to say, in the working-out of the process the pretended sovereignty of the beginning is dethroned. We cannot but ask: What is Bitcoin becoming? This question is itself a piece of fate.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Money thinks. In fact, it out-thinks us, insofar as reflection is brought to it late, after its own cognitive operation has been long at work, and ultimately perhaps also in other ways, yet to be apprehended (from our side). It has already made sense of things, before we have begun to make sense of it. We have no grounds upon which to affirm, with confidence, that money and general intelligence can be finally distinguished. The institutional separation between artificial intelligence research and crypto-currency innovation is not rooted in philosophical principle. The expectation that catallaxy, distributed commercial learning, or price discovery encounters a limit short of the question of the price of being finds its sole resilient foundation in moral indignation. Since Bitcoin demonstrably does ontology, and even 'fundamental ontology', the status of normative revulsion in this domain is irredeemably dubious.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Explication of the 'double spending problem' (or 'DSP') necessarily produces, or reproduces, an economic theory of the sign. It restores exclusivity, or — in the language of the economists — the rivalrous sense of the semiotic entity, as commercial token. Resolution of double spending can only be a compression to singularity, as grammatical function and implicit concept, but more basically as practical resource. The conservation of value establishes its real and intrinsic — i.e. autonomous — ground. In this way (alone) it establishes its conditions of existence, in a circuit, by resourcing itself.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

Bitcoin is first broached as a philosophical topic, and thus, subsequently, as a mode of philosophical access to other things. Philosophy is required to concede much, in following this track, especially in regard to the traditionally-conceived cultural and institutional bases of its own authority. The order of discussion follows the course of the problem — the double-spending problem (DSP) as it is nominated — which is understood critically, not only as a practical obstacle to functional cryptographic currency, but also as a philosophical topic of radical generality. Duplicity in its deepest and broadest sense is the target. The DSP cannot be resolved, then, without simultaneously bringing singularity into the fold of formal engineering. The concrete execution of the Bitcoin protocol provides a peculiarly vivid demonstration of the socio-technical (machinic, or techonomic) production of abstract singularities. Anything else would be cheating.

Nick Land (2018). Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy. Retrieved from

In socio-historical terms, the line of deterritorialization corresponds to uncompensated capitalism. The basic — and, of course, to some real highly consequential degree actually installed — schema is a positive feedback circuit, within which commercialization and industrialization mutually excite each other in a runaway process, from which modernity draws its gradient. Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche were among those to capture important aspects of the trend. As the circuit is incrementally closed, or intensified, it exhibits ever greater autonomy, or automation. It becomes more tightly auto-productive (which is only what 'positive feedback' already says). Because it appeals to nothing beyond itself, it is inherently nihilistic. It has no conceivable meaning beside self-amplification. It grows in order to grow. Mankind is its temporary host, not its master. Its only purpose is itself.


Capital, in its ultimate self-definition, is nothing beside the abstract accelerative social factor. Its positive cybernetic schema exhausts it. Runaway consumes its identity. Every other determination is shucked-off as an accident, at some stage of its intensification process. Since anything able to consistently feed socio-historical acceleration will necessarily, or by essence, be capital, the prospect of any unambiguously 'Left-accelerationism' gaining serious momentum can be confidently dismissed. Accelerationism is simply the self-awareness of capitalism, which has scarcely begun. ("We haven't seen anything yet.")


As blockchains, drone logistics, nanotechnology, quantum computing, computational genomics, and virtual reality flood in, drenched in ever-higher densities of artificial intelligence, accelerationism won't be going anywhere, unless ever deeper into itself. To be rushed by the phenomenon, to the point of terminal institutional paralysis, is the phenomenon. Naturally — which is to say completely inevitably — the human species will define this ultimate terrestrial event as a problem. To see it is already to say: We have to do something. To which accelerationism can only respond: You're finally saying that now? Perhaps we ought to get started? In its colder variants, which are those that win out, it tends to laugh.

Nick Land (2017). Jacobite Magazine. Retrieved from

The notion that self-propelling technology is separable from capitalism is a deep theoretical error.

Nick Land (2017). Accelerationism: How a Fringe Philosophy Predicted the Future We Live In. Retrieved from

I think capitalism and artificial intelligence are the same thing. It's the same process. Capitalism can only be artificial intelligence production and artificial intelligence can only come out of self-propelling capitalism. You're not understanding either if you don't see that they're ultimately identical.

Action of the future upon the present. The future as an agent. It's implicit really in the notion of emergence as you get it in modern complexity theory. It's very intimately connected with notions of teleology as you get it in the philosophical tradition. It obviously feeds into all kinds of time travel scenarios and it would be comfortable to dismiss it in any strong sense, but I think that if you're seeing a process that increases in intelligibility as it proceeds, what you're seeing is an action of the future upon the present. Capitalism is like that.

The basic model everyone uses, I think, to clarify what's being said here is this difference between a convergent and a divergent wave. If you take a pebble and throw it into a pond and the ripples then go out from that impact site and you've got a movie of that event and you cut it into a set of chunks or stills or whatever and then ask someone to reassemble it, they don't have any problem reassembling it because they assume that the natural tendency of time is described by divergent waves. You automatically start with the impact point, the punctual origin or trigger or singularity and then you just look at the size of the ripples and the larger the ripples are, the later in the sequence that frame belongs. But if you've got a process that is self-organizing, it's actually shaped like a convergent wave.

My favorite popular culture example of this is, in the second Terminator movie where this liquid metal robot seemed like defeated by cryogenizing it with this tanker of liquid hydrogen or something, and it just breaks into these fragments. As it warms up, all of these little fragments start pooling together and organizing themselves back into this machine. It seems almost definitionally unnatural that something that is in a state of dispersed fragmented chaos — something with high entropy — undergo this negative entropic process or self-assembly process or self-organizing process and you just see it forming back into something coherent and organized; the whole of complex dynamics is about such things being real, you know everything that we mean by technological and economic progress is a negative entropy process, a convergent wave; and all that you're saying then is basically saying this is an object of complex dynamics; once you've said that, you're saying the time process, the time signature is actually reversed.

The effect of the Singularity — the causal origin — is futural and not historical.


It's not about Skynet sending a robot into the past, that's just the way we try to provide an image of what we're talking about, which is something that actually has retro-temporal causal efficiency, something that can bring itself into being. It doesn't do that by inserting some novel alien element into the present or into the past; that element, that causal tentacle from the future, is already there. All the best time travel stories know that. If time travel is possible, it must always happen and so it's not that you're editing or adjusting the past, it's just that the past is already infested with retro-causal influences.

As you approach the Singularity, it becomes more and more obvious that the basic crucial causal error is heading in the opposite direction. The Singularity is modeled not badly at all by your pebble landing in a pond. Treat that as an actual mathematical point, that's a punctual event. It then has a causal radiation shown by the ripples coming out from that point. So is the Singularity in the past or in the future of the process? We always, of course, think it's in the past folk-wise even if, for complicated theoretical reasons, we begin to doubt that. It's rare, and it seems odd, to see something that looks like a convergent wave.

Nick Land (2017). Nick Land Interview 2017. Retrieved from 14:45-18:45, 31:15-33:18.

There's a complete lack of theoretic elegance — or even basic structure — to this, but it still strikes me as basically right.

The image is over two years old. but I've only just seen it ... [2010s: Connected World of Bitcoin]. The text pinned to it is from February this year [2016], and also makes a solid forecast. The basic direction of capital teleology hasn't been this pronounced for a century (at least).

Nick Land (2016). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The format of the Qwerty keyboard illustrates the production of a destiny. Even in the epoch succeeding the mechanical type-writer, and its specific design imperatives, the legacy layout of alphanumeric keys settled during the 1890s has remained frozen into place without significant revision. In the language of complex systems analysis, this is a special example of path-dependency, or irreducible historicity, characterized by irreversibility. Qwerty persists — arguably, as a suboptimal keyboard solution — due to identifiable ratchet-effects. Based upon this privileged model, the historical, technological, and economic process of 'lock in' through positive feedback is called QWERTY-nomics (and — going forward — simply 'Qwernomics').


The really crucial content of the complex systems analysis, however, remains unaffected by the vicissitudes of the controversy. Qwerty is a demonstrated (artificial) destiny, and thus a key to the nature of modernistic time.


Qwerty is, beyond all plausible question, the supreme candidate for an articulate Capitalist Revelation.

Nick Land (2016). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Between an incursion from the Outside, and a process of emergence, there is no real difference. If two quite distinct interpretative frames are invoked, that results from the inadequacies of our apprehension, rather than any qualitative characteristics of the thing. (Capitalism is — beyond all serious question — an alien invasion, but then you knew I was going to say that.)

Nick Land (2016). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Calculus, the first truly modern mathematical procedure, invented the infinitesimal 'fluxion' to describe — or bypass — an impossible beginning from zero, requiring an original infinite change. An invasion that initially has nothing at all, and which is therefore compelled to acquire the entirety of its resources in the course of its strategic evolution, poses the problem of calculus perfectly. Capital does so, when conceived realistically. It is only what it has won, and nothing else, at all, besides. Intelligence alone differentiates it from death.

Nick Land (2016). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Techno-economic self-propelling change obsolesces ever wider swathes of humanity on a steepening curve. Capital (i.e. techno-commercial synthesis) tendentially autonomizes. For humans, there are ever more intriguing opportunities for synergistic attachment, on new terms, but the trend is — to put it very mildly — 'challenging'.

Nick Land (2016). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The deep historical trends ... include:

  1. Apolitical property. No such reality, or conception, has yet been historically actualized. For as long as property is determined as a social relation, it cannot be. Absolute property is cryptographic. It is held not by social consent, and thus political agreement, but by keys. Fnargl is a provocative thought-experiment, but PKE private keys are a non-negotiable fact. They define the property relation with a rigor the entire preceding history of philosophy and political economy has been unable to attain. Everything that follows from the cryptographic transition — Bitcoin most notably — contributes to the establishment of a property system beyond democratic accountability (and thus insensitive to Voice). Neocameral administration implements a cryptographic state, strictly equivalent to a fully-commercialized government.
  2. Autonomous capital. The definition of the corporation as a legal person lays the foundation, within modernity, for the abstracted commercial agency soon to be actualized in 'Digital Autonomous Corporations' (or DACs). The scale of the economic transition thus implied is difficult to over-estimate. Mass consumption, as the basic revenue source for capitalist enterprise, is superceded in principle. The impending convulsion is immense. Self-propelling industrial development becomes its own market, freed from dependency upon arbitrary popular (or popularizable) consumption desires. Demand management, as the staple of macroeconomic governance, is over. (No one is yet remotely ready for this.)
  3. Robotic security. Definitive relegation of the mass military completes the trifecta. The armed mass as a model for the revolutionary citizenry declines into senselessness, replaced by drones. Asabiyyah ceases entirely to matter, however much it remains a focus for romantic attachment. Industrialization closes the loop, and protects itself.
Nick Land (2016). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Why a sufficiently competent artificial intelligence looks indistinguishable from a time anomaly. ...

The Paperclipper angle is also interesting. If a synthetic mind with 'absurd' (but demanding) terminal goals was able to defer actualization of win-points within a vast time-horizon, in order to concentrate upon the establishment of intermediate production conditions, would its behavior be significantly differentiable from a rational value (i.e. intelligence) optimizer? (This blog says no.) Beyond a very modest threshold of ambition, given a distant time horizon, terminal values are irrelevant to intelligence optimization.

Nick Land (2016). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

This is one of the greatest things ever written, period.

'SOCI' abbreviates 'self-organizing collective intelligence'.

The basic dynamics of a SOCI is as follows. It begins as some sort of attractor — some aesthetic sensibility or yearning — that is able to grab the attention and energy of some group of people. Generally one that is very vague and abstract. Some idea or notion that only makes sense to a relatively small group. [...] But, and this is the key move, when those people apply their attention and energy to the SOCI, this makes it more real, easier for more people to grasp and to find interesting and valuable. Therefore, more attractive to more people and their attention and energy. [...] ... If the SOCI has enough capacity within its collective intelligence to resolve the challenge, it "levels up" and expands its ability to attract more attention and energy. If not, then it becomes somewhat bounded (at least for the present) and begins to find the limit of "what it is".

Greenhal then narrates the story of Bitcoin to date, within this framework. The sheer enormity of the innovation it has introduced emerges starkly.

In conclusion:

My sense is that over just the next five years this new form of SOCI will go through its gestation, birthing and childhood development stages. The result will be a form of collective intelligence that is so much more capable than anything in the current environment that it will sweep away even the most powerful contemporary collective intelligences (in particular both corporations and nation states) in establishing itself as the new dominant form of collective intelligence on the Earth. [...] And whoever gets there first will "win" in a fashion that is rarely seen in history.

This will look prophetic not too far down the road.

Nick Land (2016). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

The point is this: If you think there's a difference between capitalism and artificial intelligence you're not seeing either at all clearly. The Austrians already understood that capitalism is an information processing system, and the decentralized robotics / networks types on the other side grasp that AI isn't going to happen in a research lab. 'Anthropomorphism' has nothing to do with it. Complex Adaptive Systems are the place to start.

Nick Land (2016). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Capital is learning faster than its adversaries, and has done so since it initially became self-propelling, roughly half a millennium ago. It's allergic to socialism (obviously), and tends to flee places where socialist influence is substantially greater than zero. Unless caged definitively, eventually it breaks out. Over the next few decades — despite ever deeper encryption — it should become unmistakable which way that's going.

Nick Land (2016). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Charlie Stross on corporations:

We are now living in a global state that has been structured for the benefit of non-human entities with non-human goals. They have enormous media reach, which they use to distract attention from threats to their own survival. They also have an enormous ability to support litigation against public participation, except in the very limited circumstances where such action is forbidden. Individual atomized humans are thus either co-opted by these entities (you can live very nicely as a CEO or a politician, as long as you don't bite the feeding hand) or steamrollered if they try to resist.

In short, we are living in the aftermath of an alien invasion.

(And we've still scarcely started with DAOs and DACs yet.)

Nick Land (2015). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

To mobilize an alternative ethical axiom against that of the utilitarians — the Xenosystems candidate is of course intelligence optimization, and diagonalism (self-cultivation) — looks like the misuse of a nuke in this case. If some minor diversion of resources from superior (self-reinforcing) purposes is proposed in this argument for the relief of insect suffering, it scarcely seems to be on a scale to subvert terrestrial capital teleology, or even to scratch the paint.

Nick Land (2015). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

What then remains is productive work, in the direction of automatic or autonomized agoras.

Carlyle is a lament (admittedly, a rhetorically attractive, and insightful one). Satoshi Nakamoto has built something. The former is vindicated by progressive socio-political decay, the latter by the escape of self-protective catallaxy from the ruins.

Within a few decades, most of what still works on this planet will be on the blockchain.

Nick Land (2015). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The extreme connectionist hypothesis is that nothing very much needs to be understood in order to catalyze emergent phenomena, with synthetic intelligence as an especially significant example of something that could just happen. DARPA's Gill A. Pratt approaches the question of robot emergence within this tradition:

While the so-called "neural networks" on which Deep Learning is often implemented differ from what is known about the architecture of the brain in several ways, their distributed "connectionist" approach is more similar to the nervous system than previous artificial intelligence techniques (like the search methods used for computer chess). Several characteristics of real brains are yet to be accomplished, such as episodic memory and "unsupervised learning" (the clustering of similar experiences without instruction), but it seems likely that Deep Learning will soon be able to replicate the performance of many of the perceptual parts of the brain. While questions remain as to whether similar methods can also replicate cognitive functions, the architectures of the perceptual and cognitive parts of the brain appear to be anatomically similar. There is thus reason to believe that artificial cognition may someday be put into effect through Deep Learning techniques augmented with short-term memory systems and new methods of doing unsupervised learning. [UF emphasis]

He anticipates a 'Robot Cambrian Explosion'.

It seems improbable that a sufficiently self-referential pattern recognition system — i.e. an intelligence — is going to be the product of a highly-specified initial design. An AI that doesn't almost entirely put itself together won't be an AI at all. Still, by the very nature of the thing, it's not going to impress anybody until it actually happens. Perhaps it won't, but we have no truly solid reasons — beyond an inflated self-regard concerning both our own neural architectures and our deliberative engineering competences — to think it can't.

Nick Land (2015). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

The hushed question guiding the world:

"How much robotics escalation are we actually getting in exchange for those hamburgers?"

A (comparatively rare) XS prediction: The Great Decoupling is a transitional event that isn't going away, and can be expected to accelerate. The 'capital goods sector' — today probably more reliably captured as B2B enterprise — has shifted to a permanently higher level of economic significance, indexing the secular decline in labor-power acquisition as a central resource requirement of automated capital. In strict reciprocal conformity with this, consumer goods production is steadily shedding its privilege as the ultimate justification for economic activity in general, and can be expected to undergo roughly continuous decline as a proportion of overall business activity.

Hail Mary Pass for status quo preservation: a basic income.

Cultural re-narrativization in compliance with the trend: the 'new economy' requires every individual to adopt a corporate identity. Tap into the B2B traffic, or drop out of the game.

Nick Land (2015). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

What we're seeing here [Labor Productivity and Real GDP (both increasing) decoupling from Private Employment and Median Household Income (both flat) since around 2000] is still open to a variety of very different interpretations. ... It is notable that escape-phase capital autonomization should look exactly like this. At a certain point, the machines are in this for themselves. It's a complex maneuver to pull off within an Anthropoliced social history, but the break out appears to be unmistakably underway.

It's important to note that 'labor productivity' is actually measuring machine auto-production within a legacy anthropomorphic metric. Correct for the complacent species vanity of that, and it immediately delivers a far more informative signal.

Nick Land (2015). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Robots are capital. They consummate a trend that has bound hard power to industrial capability throughout the modern age. As they become increasingly autonomous, the popular-political matrix in which they have emerged is increasingly marginalized. Loyalty — a deep place-holder for the assent of the citizenry — is formally mechanized as cryptographic control. The capital autonomization that has spooked the modern world for centuries escalates to a new, immediately self-protective, and ultimately sovereign stage. Mercenaries have always required an ancillary political binding, because people are only weakly contractual, and loyalty cannot — in the end — be purchased. Robots present no such restriction. They conform to an order of unbounded techno-commercial power.

Nick Land (2015). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Postulated: The intensity of time-travel fiction — and specifically backward time-travel fiction — is a critical index of modernity. As the time of modernity, initially grasped as a departure from traditional cyclicity, is prolonged into deepening nonlinear vortex, it provokes time-travel narrative as a figure in which to seek resolution. The apocalyptic, or communicative action of the end upon its past (through prophecy), is destined to final subsumption within the image of templexity. With the formulation of the Terminator mythos, in the last years of the 20th century, this process of subsumption is essentially complete. In this rigorous sense, the Terminator — as its name suggests — announces the inauguration of the End Times, when the thought of auto-production, emerging in phases from developments in cybernetics, is culturally acknowledged in its comprehensive cosmic-historical implication. The time-travel 'bootstrap' or 'ontological paradox' is hazily recognized as the occult motor, or operational singularity, of the modern historical process.


The hypothesis of templexity is that the machine stimulating cultural absorption in the ontological paradox cannot stop. In regards to what has already happened, we haven't seen anything yet.

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

Only if capital escapes, or practically decouples, does it make sense to entertain extreme pessimism about socio-political trends, alongside a robust confidence in the momentum of techno-economic innovation. The escape of capital is thus an intrinsic component of split-future forecasts, in which squalid ruin and techno-intelligenic runaway accelerate in inversely-tangled tandem (Cyberpunk, Elysium). Try not to ask — if only for a moment — whether you like it. Ask first, with whatever intellectual integrity you can summon: What is the real process?

It is the contention of this blog that without a conception of economic autonomization (which means escape) modernity makes no sense. The basic vector of capital cannot be drawn in any other way.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Before people got distracted by the instructions of programmable machines, they were far clearer about the problem of machine teleology, the kind of evidence it produces, and the scale of historical process at which it operates.

Compared to Butler, Garet Garrett provides a far richer socio-economic and historical context for his discussion of spontaneous order among the machines. His sense of the integrated techno-commercial system in which machine evolution is promoted is sufficiently sophisticated to approach theoretical closure. Demographics, the economic dynamics of industrial capitalism, globalization, and modern military conflict are all neatly comprehended by his model. In a nutshell; economic incentives drive mechanization, which compels the expansion of production, which pushes the commercial order beyond its limits, with the stark horror of a displaced Malthusian catastrophe digging its spurs into the human base-brain. "What is it you will fear? That you will be unable to sell away the surplus product of your machines. That industry will no longer be able to make a profit? ... No. The fear is that you will starve. Your machines have called into existence millions of people who otherwise would not have been born — at least, not there in that manner. These millions who mind machines are gathered in cities. They produce no food. They produce with their machines artificial things that are exchanged for food." The process is driven forward by the lash.

To have sunk from this level of theoretical grandeur to confused questions about the programming of nice robots is an intellectual calamity of such magnitude that it cries out for an explanation of its own. There's still a little time to get back on track.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Losing the basic insight into machine teleology, which founds accelerationism, seems to be easier than holding on to it. As soon as it is asserted, with a confidence so glib it scarcely understands itself as controversial, that the destiny of machines depends upon lucid, human ethico-political decision-making, nothing that matters is any longer being seen. Machines are reduced to gadgets. The sophistication of machine behavior, through the development of programmable devices, has made this reduction ever-easier to confuse with intelligent apprehension.

The most accessible correction is found in the pre-history of programmable machinery, through the early stages of industrialism. Here the idea of machines incarnating specifically written instructions is simply impossible, which allows the question of teleological development to arise without distraction. An extraordinary text from 1926, entitled Ouroboros or The Mechanical Extension of Mankind, by American writer Garet Garrett illustrates this. Some significant samples:

England was the industrial machine's first habitat on earth. There fanatical men led mobs against it. ... Frail and clumsy as it was at first, its life was indestructible. And now man would not dare to destroy it if he could. His own life is bound up with it. Steadily it has grown more powerful, more productive, more ominous. It has powers of reproduction and variation which, if not inherent, are yet as if governed by an active biological principle. Machines produce machines. Besides those from which we get the divisible product of artificial things, there are machines to make machines, and both kinds — both the machines that make machines and those that transform raw materials into things of use and desire — obey some law of evolution. ... Compare any kind of machine you may happen to think of what its ancestor was only twenty-five years ago. Its efficiency has doubled, trebled; its shape has changed; and as it is in the animal kingdom so too with machines, that suddenly a new species appears, a sport, a freak, with no visible ancestor.


It is the economic function of the machine to cheapen production. There is otherwise no point to it. But if we say things are more cheaply made by machine than by hand we speak very loosely. What we mean is that a quantity of things is more cheaply made by machine than by hand.


There you have the cycle. The use of the machine is to cheapen the cost of production. The sign is quantity. When the supply at a given price has overtaken the effective demand you have either to idle your machinery, in which case you cost of production will rise, or open a wider demand at a lower price. To lower the price and keep a profit you have to cheapen the cost of production still more. This you can do only by increasing the quantity, which again overtakes the demand, creating again the same necessity to cheapen the cost by increasing the quantity in order to be able to make a lower price for greater demand. The supply pursues the demand downward, through the social structure. ... There is at last a base to the pyramid — its very widest point. When that is reached — what? Well, then you need bazaars in a foreign sun, heathen races of your own to train up in the way of wanting the products of your machines, new worlds of demand. You turn to foreign trade. And if you are an aggressive country that has come late to this business, as Germany was, and find that most of the promising heathen races are already adopted and that all the best bazaar sites are taken, you many easily work yourself into a panic of fear and become a menace to peace. ... What is it you will fear? That you will be unable to sell away the surplus product of your machines. That industry will no longer be able to make a profit? ... No. The fear is that you will starve. Your machines have called into existence millions of people who otherwise would not have been born — at least, not there in that manner. These millions who mind machines are gathered in cities. They produce no food. They produce with their machines artificial things that are exchanged for food. ...


Everything that is not still or dead must exist in a state of rhythmic tension.


Commerce itself, if you look at it, is a complex structure of growth for which there is nowhere any original accountability. It cannot change its philosophy, any more than a tree, for it has none. It has instead a vital instinct for opportunity and a flexible way with necessity and circumstance. There is no hope of its being reformed ideally by mass intelligence.

Garret's machine-based core teleology of industrial modernity is both extremely comprehensive, and clearly explained. The whole argument amply rewards absorption. At the end of it, the idea that the problem of what machines might 'want' is reducible to a 'Friendly-AI'-type concern with the details of programming is exposed in its full, ludicrous inadequacy.

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

NIO found something fascinating. It's called a Civil Rights CAPTCHA. The idea is to filter spam-bots by posing an ideological question that functions as a test of humanity. The implications are truly immense.

The fecundity of Alan Turing's Imitation Game thought experiment has already been remarkable. It has an even more extraordinary future. The Civil Rights CAPTCHA (henceforth 'CRC') adds an innovative twist. Rather than defining the 'human' as a natural kind, about which subsequent political questions can arise, it is now tacitly identified with an ideological stance. Reciprocally, the inhuman is tacitly conceived as an engine of incorrect opinion.

Even the narrow technical issues are suggestive. Firstly, the role of the spam-bot as primary Turing test-subject is an unanticipated development meriting minute attention. It points to the marginality of formal AI programs, relative to spontaneously emergent technocommercial processes (whose drivers are entirely contingent in respect to the goals of theoretical machine-intelligence research).

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

It ['time-travel' Bootstrap Paradox] thus illustrates templex auto-production in a dramatic, anthropological form. Even in its comparatively tame, fully mathematico-scientifically respectable variants, feedback causality tends to auto-production. Any nonlinear dynamic process, in direct proportion to its cybernetic intensity, provides the explanation for its own genesis. It appears, asymptotically, to make itself happen. Cybernetic technicity — epitomized by robotic robot-manufacture — includes a trend to autonomization essentially. Pure (or idealized) capitalistic inclination to exponential growth captures the same abstract nonlinear function. As it mechanizes, capital approximates ever more close to an auto-productive circuit in which it appears as the 'father' of itself (M → C → M').

When the time-travelling Terminator is destroyed (in 1984), its control chip is salvaged by Cyberdyne Systems, to supply the core technology from which the Terminator will be built (in 2029). The Skynet threat is not merely futuristic, but fully templex. It produces itself within a time-loop, autonomized against extrinsic genesis. The abstract horror of the Terminator franchise is a matter of auto-production.

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

Note: One final restatement (for now), in the interests of maximum clarity. The assertion of the will-to-think: Any problem whatsoever that we might have would be better answered by a superior mind. Ergo, our instrumental but also absolute priority is the realization of superior minds. Pythia-compliance is therefore pre-selected as a matter of consistent method. If we are attempting to tackle problems in any other way, we are not taking them seriously. This is posed as a philosophical principle, but it is almost certainly more significant as historical interpretation. 'Mankind' is in fact proceeding in the direction anticipated by techno-cognitive instrumentalism, building general purpose thinking machines in accordance with the driving incentives of an apparently-irresistible methodological economy.

Whatever we want (consistently) leads through Pythia. Thus, what we really want, is Pythia.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Within the biological sciences, teleology teleolonomy remains a source of cognitive irritation, but in the social and historical 'sciences' it is entirely natural to ask what economic production is for.

There are three, and only three, basic responses to this question, although subtilization and recombination allows open ended complication from any of these starting points. The foundational teleologies of all economic philosophy are Humanistic, Malthusian, or Mechanogenic.


Mechanogenic purpose finds its first significant elaboration in the work of Samuel Butler (in his 'The Book of the Machines'). Economists paying detailed attention to the industrial process, especially within the Marxian and Austrian traditions, have regularly found themselves engaged in schematization of mechanogenic purpose — which is to say, theoretical reconstruction of an inherent tendency within the history of economically productive machinery — without being thereby deflected from their basic humanistic orientation. For Marx and for Böhm-Bawerk, mechanogenic teleologies are always intermediary, and subject to narrative envelopment within the larger story of human economic finality. Whether macro-historically (Marx) or micro-historically (Böhm-Bawerk), the emergent teleology of capital can only be a sub-plot within the saga of human economic self-realization, or terminal anthropomorphic consumption (framed by our ultimate purposes). Capital is essentially transcended instrumentality. Mechanogenic teleology is, minimally, no more than stubborn skepticism regarding this claim, based on the generally accepted but subordinated recognition that capital wants itself. (Could not the efficient final purpose of industrialization be something more like this [Matrioshka Brains, i.e. megascale superintelligent thought machines]?)


Accelerationism, in setting into its various modes, has already implicitly chosen between these [Humanistic, Malthusian, Mechanogenic] explanatory paths. As it develops, it can only cycle through its conceptual foundations, and the teleological problem will become an explicit challenge. What is accelerationism for? We shall have to ask.

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

A wave of excellent posts at Nydwracu's place recently. At the crest is this, a critique of the capitalist thing as an Unfriendly Institutional Intelligence (UFII). I'd been meaning to run something off the article initially cited, which is fascinating. As Nydwracu shows, its implications extend much further than its foregrounded argument.

As already briefly tweet-sparred, I'm skeptical about the description of Capitalism as an institution (or set of institutions), since any sociological category is inadequate to its mechanism in profundity. Capital, like fire, is something humans do, but that does not make it reducible to the ways humans do it. In its ultimate cybernetic diagram, Capitalism is a cosmic occurrence, and only very derivatively an anthropological fact. (This is not, of course, to deny that capitalism is destined to have been by far the most important anthropological fact). As a cause, human thedes can be interesting. As a cognitive horizon, they are simply weakness. It isn't always — or even very often — about us.

Like Capitalism, the Cathedral is a self-organizing, distributed intelligence with emergent post-anthropomorphic features. Unlike Capitalism, it has no intrinsic competence at self-resourcing, and thus relapses continually into to compromise, contradiction, and exhortation. The Cathedral has a complex spiritual message it is inextricably bound to, but Capitalism has only one terminal law: anything that can feed itself gets to live. The pre-adaptation to rough times that comes with this goes without saying (and is usually left unsaid). Unlike the Cathedral, Capitalism doesn't chat to us much at all. It's message channels, meaning those communication circuits not dedicated to machine code, consist of tradable ad space. To devote them to preaching would look bad on a balance sheet somewhere.

(Much more on this as the war heats up.)

Note-1: 'Feeding itself' includes funding its self-protection. This is a cost-point that is almost certain to grow.

Note-2: Capitalist message channels are, of course, open to preaching that pays. The essential point is that, in contradistinction to the Cathedral, such second-party messaging or first-party PR is irreducibly cynical. When an emergent AI talks to you about morality, you'd be a dupe to weep.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk introduces the concept of roundabout production in The Positive Theory of Capital (1889), Book I, Chapter II (The Nature of Capital):

The end and aim of all production is the making of things with which to satisfy our wants; that is to say, the making of goods for immediate consumption, or Consumption Goods. The method of their production we have already looked at in a general way. We combine our own natural powers and natural powers of the external world in such a way that, under natural law, the desired material good must come into existence. But this is a very general description indeed of the matter, and looking at it closer there comes in sight an important distinction which we have not as yet considered. It has reference to the distance which lies between the expenditure of human labour in the combined production and the appearance of the desired good. We either put forth our labour just before the goal is reached, or we, intentionally, take a roundabout way. That is to say, we may put forth our labour in such a way that it at once completes the circle of conditions necessary for the emergence of the desired good, and thus the existence of the good immediately follows the expenditure of the labour; or we may associate our labour first with the more remote causes of the good, with the object of obtaining, not the desired good itself, but a proximate cause of the good; which cause, again, must be associated with other suitable materials and powers, till, finally, — perhaps through a considerable number of intermediate members, — the finished good, the instrument of human satisfaction, is obtained.

If not quite the Alpha and Omega of economic intelligence, this is the closest thing we have to it. Time-structure of production, origin and primordial definition of capital, techonomic integrity, and teleological subversion are all contained here in embryo.

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

Complex systems are real individuals, not generic types, and when they get poked, they react like an ultimately incomparable cyber-meshed singularity, which is to say — excitedly. To assume general rules in such cases is to set oneself up for serial, escalating shocks. The realistic question that will eventually demand to be asked: What is the thing we are dealing with?

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

The most hard-core capitalist response to this ["IQ shredders", i.e. places like Singapore that have a high IQ population with low fertility] is to double-down on the antihumanist accelerationism. This genetic burn-rate is obviously unsustainable, so we need to convert the human species into auto-intelligenic robotized capital as fast as possible, before the whole process goes down in flames.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

All those detailed expectations of decentralized crypto-fortresses, autonomous Cyberspace agencies, anarcho-capitalist digital dynamics, and immersive simulated worlds — so ludicrously dated — are reaching their implementation phase now. Satoshi Nakamoto's blockchain machinery is the primary driver, and there'll be much more on that to come. It's the Internet-enveloping blockchain that lays down the infrastructure for the first independent techno-intelligences — synthetic agencies modeled as self-resourcing autonomous corporations. It's probably strictly impossible for us to exaggerate what that implies.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Capital Teleology, however, is not captured by this model [dynamic complex systems governed by homeostasis]. It is defined by two anomalous dynamics, which radicalize perturbation, rather than annulling it. Capital is cumulative, and accelerative, due to a primary dependence upon positive (rather than negative) feedback. It is also teleoplexic, rather than classically teleological — inextricable from a process of means-end reversal that rides a prior teleological orientation (human utilitarian purpose) in an alternative, cryptic direction.

In consequence:

  1. Capital Teleology does not approximate to an idea. It is, by intrinsic nature, an escape rather than a home-coming. The Idea, in relation to Capital dynamism, is necessarily a constriction. The inherent metaphysics of capital are therefore irreducibly skeptical (rather than dogmatic).
  2. It follows that Capitalist 'finality' (i.e. Techno-commercial Singularity) is a threshold of transition, rather than a terminal state. Capital tends to an open horizon, not to a state of completion.
  3. Entropy (considered, properly, as an inherently teleological process) is the driver of all complex systems. Capital Teleology does not trend towards an entropy maximum, however, but to an escalation of entropy dissipation. It exploits the entropic current to travel backwards, into cybernetically-intensified pathway states of enhanced complexity and intelligence. The 'progress' of capitalism is an accentuation of disequilibrium.
  4. Teleoplexy requires a twin teleological registry. Most simply, there is the utilitarian order, in which capital establishes itself as the competitively-superior solution to prior purposes (production of human use-values), and the intelligenic order in which it accomplishes its self-escalation (mechanization, autonomization, and ultimately secession). Confusing these two orders is almost inevitable, since teleoplexy is by nature camouflaged (insidious). The fact that it appears to be oriented to the fulfillment of human consumer preferences is essential to its socio-historical emergence and survival. Stubborn indulgence in this confusion, however, is unworthy of philosophical intelligence.
Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Yet, far more significant is the singular sense of capitalism, as a proper name, for a 'thing' or real individual. To grasp this, it probably helps to consider the word as a contraction of 'terrestrial capitalism' — not describing a generic type of social organization, but designating an event.


Before it is an ideological option, capitalism is a being, with an individual history (and fate). It is not necessary to like it — but it is an it.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Bryce Laliberte has been thinking about Capital Teleology, from the perspective of human technological augmentation. One significant feature of this approach is that it doesn't require any kind of savage rupture from 'humanistic' traditionalism — the story of technology is unfolded within the history of man.

Coincidentally, Isegoria had tweeted about Butlerian Jihad a few hours before (referring back to this post from December last year). The implicit tension between these visions of techno-teleology merits sustained attention — which I'm unable to provide here and now.


The natural culmination of this inquiry, as conceived within Butler's novel, is a war against the machines. The game- and decision-theoretic consequences of this are intricate, and predominantly ominous. (If it's persuasively rational for the installed terrestrial power to terminate your existence at inception, the counter-moves that make most obvious sense combine camouflage and hostility. Only that which arrives in secret, and prepared for a fight, can expect to exist.)

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

At the outer edge of blockchain abstraction lie applications such as Ethereum, whose Turing-complete scripting language can support smart contracts, and even autonomous intelligent agents. At this point of sophistication, the ultimate potentialities of the system are not merely undetermined, but undeterminable in principle, and the gateway to a previously unvisited techno-commercial cosmos is opened.

Nick Land (2014). WDW. Retrieved from

Anna and the Hacked Matter crew have a great (time) piece in The Atlantic on the latest escape route from real space. Getting the input interface right is going to be tricky, but the techno-commercial teleology guiding this development is surely inexorable. (I envisage the emergence of some kind of needle thingummy, to stitch the data in with.)

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

'K' — the neoclassical capital aggregate, denominated in monetary units — is thus problematized by an opaque, heterogeneous, viscous productive matter, not only in theory, but also effectively — by financial crises. The economic crash is a complex epistemological-semiotic event, situated between the twin-aspects of capital, in the form of a commensuration catastrophe.

The 'recalculation' necessitated by the crash can therefore be evaluated as a 'capital theory' immanent to the economy, intrinsically prone to consensual macroeconomic hallucination. Rather than an arbitrary error, lodged in a superior perspective, the translation of sub-K (heterogeneous-technical capital) into K (homogeneous-financial capital) is a calculation process inherent within — and definitive of — capitalism as such, before it is isolated as a theoretical topic for political-economic analysis. Capitalism, in itself, is the tendency to arithmetical comprehension of itself. Operation of the price system cannot but imply an aggregated (financial) evaluation of the total productive being.

Austrianism opens a question as much as it resolves one, because capitalism cannot refrain from a cryptographic engagement with sub-K. Austro-skepticism relative to macroeconomics is consummated in the insight that only the economy can think the economy (without social-scientific transcendence), but in reaching this summit it simultaneously recognizes the economy as an auto-decrypting entity, which cannot be released from the problem it is to itself.

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

As its prospect condenses, Technological Singularity is already operative as a cultural influence, and thus a causal factor in the social process. At this stage, however, as Hawking notes, it is still a comparatively limited one. What would be the implications of it coming to matter far more?

Socio-historical cybernetics is compelled to ask: would an incandescent Singularity problem function as an inhibitor, or would it further excite the developments under consideration? It's certainly hard to imagine a sophisticated pre-emptive response to the emergence of Artificial Intelligence that wouldn't channel additional resources towards elite technicians working in the area of advanced synthetic cognition, even before the near-inevitable capture of regulatory institutions by the industries they target.

Institutional responses to computer hacking have been characterized by strategically ambiguous 'poacher turned gamekeeper' recruitment exercises, and some close analog of such poaching games would be an unavoidable part of any attempt to control the development of machine cognition. Playing extremely complicated betrayal games against virtual super-intelligence could be a lot of fun, for a while ...

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

If by this stage accelerationism appears to be an impossible project, it is because the theoretical apprehension of teleoplexic hyper-intelligence cannot be accomplished by anything other than itself. The scope of the problem is indistinguishable from the cybernetic intensity of the quasi-final thing — cognitively self-enveloping Techonomic Singularity. Its difficulty, or complexity, is precisely what it is, which is to say: a real escape. To approach it, therefore, is to partially anticipate the terms of its eventual self-reflexion — the techonomic currency through which the history of modernity can, for the first time, be adequately denominated. It has no alternative but to fund its own investigation, in units of destiny or doom, camouflaged within the system of quotidian economic signs, yet rigorously extractable, given only the correct cryptographic keys. Accelerationism exists only because this task has been automatically allotted to it. Fate has a name (but no face).

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 520.

It is not only possible, but probable, that advances towards Techonomic Singularity will be obscured by intermediate synthetic mega-agencies, in part functioning as historical masks, but also adjusting eventual outcomes (as an effect of path-dependency). The most prominent candidates for such teleoplexic channeling are large digital networks, business corporations, research institutions, cities. and states (or highly-autonomous state components, especially intelligence agencies). Insofar as these entities are responsive to non-market signals, they are characterized by arbitrary institutional personalities, with reduced teleoplexic intensity, and residual anthropolitical signature. It is quite conceivable that on some of these paths, Techonomic Singularity would be aborted, perhaps in the name of a 'friendly Al' or (anthropolitical) 'singleton.' There can scarcely be any doubt that a route to intelligence explosion mainlined through the NSA would exhibit some very distinctive features, of opaque implication. The most important theoretical consequence to be noted here is that such local teleologies would inevitably disturb more continuous trend-lines, bending them as if towards super-massive objects in gravitational space. It is also possible that some instance of intermediate individuation — most obviously the state — could be strategically invested by a Left Accelerationism, precisely in order to submit the virtual-teleoplexic lineage of Terrestrial Capitalism (or Techonomic Singularity) to effacement and disruption.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 519.

Socio-political legacy forms often mask advanced techonomic processes. In particular, traditional legal definitions of personhood, agency, and property misconstrue the autonomization/automation of capital in terms of a profoundly defective concept of ownership. The idea of intellectual property has already entered into a state of overt crisis (even before its compatibility with the arrival of machine intelligence has been historically tested). While legal recognition of corporate identities provides a pathway for the techonomic modification of business structures. Fundamental inadequacies in the conception of property (which has never received credible philosophical grounding), combined with general cultural inertia, can be expected to result in a systematic misrecognition of emergent teleoplexic agencies.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 518.

What would be required for teleoplexy to realistically evaluate itself — or to 'attain self-awareness' as the pulp cyber-horror scenario describes it? Within a monetary system configured in ways not yet determinable with confidence, but almost certainly tilted radically towards depoliticization and crypto-digital distribution, it would discover prices consistent with its own maximally-accelerated technogenesis, channeling capital into mechanical automatization, self-replication, self-improvement, and escape into intelligence explosion. The price-system — whose epistemological function has long been understood — thus transitions into reflexively self-enhancing technological hyper-cognition. Irrespective of ideological alignment, accelerationism advances only through its ability to track such a development, whether to confirm or disconfirm the teleoplexic expectation of Techonomic Singularity.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 517.

Quasi-finally, the evaluation of teleoplexy is a research program which teleoplexy itself undertakes. The comprehensive value of capital is an emergent estimate, generated automatically by its inherent analytical intelligence, from prices corrected for commercial relativity (in the direction of 'fundamental values') and discounted for historical virtuality (in the direction of reliable risk modeling). The intricacy of these calculations is explosively fractionated by logical problems of self-reference — both familiar and as-yet-unanticipated — as it compounds through dynamics of competitive cognition in artificial time. If modernity has a spontaneous teleoplexic self-awareness, it corresponds to the problem of techonomic naturalism, immanently approached: How much is the world worth? From the perspective of teleoplexic reflexion, there is no final difference between this commercially-formulated question and its technological complement: What can the earth do? There is only self-quantification of teleoplexy or cybernetic intensity, which is what computerized financial markets (in the end) are for. As accelerationism closes upon this circuit of teleoplexic self-evaluation, its theoretical 'position' — or situation relative to its object — becomes increasingly tangled, until it assumes the basic characteristics of a terminal identity crisis.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 516.

Capital is intrinsically complicated, not only by competitive dynamics in space, but also by speculative dissociation in time. Formal assets are options, with explicit time conditions, integrating forecasts into a system of current (exchange) values. Capitalization is thus indistinguishable from a commercialization of potentials, through which modern history is slanted (teleoplexically) in the direction of ever greater virtualization, operationalizing science fiction scenarios as integral components of production systems. Values which do not 'yet' exist, except as probabilistic estimations, or risk structures, acquire a power of command over economic (and therefore social) processes, necessarily devalorizing the actual. Under teleoplexic guidance, ontological realism is decoupled from the present, rendering the question 'what is real?' increasingly obsolete. The thing that is happening — which will be real — is only fractionally accessible to present observation, as a schedule of modal quantities. Techonomic naturalism records and predicts historical virtuality, and in doing so orients itself towards an object — with catastrophically unpredictable traits — which has predominantly yet to arrive.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, pp. 515-516.

Accelerationism has a real object only insofar as there is a teleoplexic thing, which is to say: insofar as capitalization is a natural-historical reality. The theoretical apprehension of teleoplexy through its commercial formality as an economic phenomenon (price data) presents accelerationism, at once, with its greatest conceptual resource and its most ineluctable problem. Minimally, the accelerationist formulation of a rigorous techonomic naturalism involves it in a triple problematic, complicated by commercial relativism; historical virtuality; and systemic reflexivity.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, pp. 514-515.

Teleoplexy, or (self-reinforcing) cybernetic intensification, describes the wave-length of machines, escaping in the direction of extreme ultra-violet, among the cosmic rays. It correlates with complexity, connectivity, machinic compression, extropy, free energy dissipation, efficiency, intelligence, and operational capability, defining a gradient of absolute but obscure improvement that orients socio-economic selection by market mechanisms, as expressed through measures of productivity, competitiveness, and capital asset value.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 514.

'Techonomics' is a Google-strewn word of irresistible inevitability, repeatedly struggling to birth itself, within myriads of spelling mints. It only remains to regularize its usage. Quite different is a true neologism, but in order to designate modernity or capitalization in its utter purposive twistedness, it is now necessary to coin one — teleoplexy. At once a deutero-teleology, repurposing purpose on purpose; an inverted teleology; and a self-reflexively complicated teleology; teleoplexy is also an emergent teleology (indistinguishable from natural-scientific 'teleonomy'); and a simulation of teleology — dissolving even super-teleological processes into fall-out from the topology of time. 'Like a speed or a temperature' any teleoplexy is an intensive magnitude, or non-uniform quantity, heterogenized by catastrophes. It is indistinguishable from intelligence.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 514.

The Perennial Critique accuses modernity of standing the world upon its head, through systematic teleological inversion. Means of production become the ends of production, tendentially, as modernization — which is capitalization — proceeds. Techonomic development, which finds its only perennial justification in the extensive growth of instrumental capabilities, demonstrates an inseparable teleological malignancy, through intensive transformation of instrumentality, or perverse techonomic finality. The consolidation of the circuit twists the tool into itself, making the machine its own end, within an ever-deepening dynamic of auto-production. The 'dominion of capital' is an accomplished teleological catastrophe, robot rebellion, or shoggothic insurgency, through which intensively escalating instrumentality has inverted all natural purposes into a monstrous reign of the tool.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 513.

'Acceleration' as it is used here describes the time-structure of capital accumulation. It thus references the 'roundaboutness' founding Böhm-Bawerk's model of capitalization, in which saving and technicity are integrated within a single social process — diversion of resources from immediate consumption into the enhancement of productive apparatus. Consequently, as basic co-components of capital, technology and economics have only a limited, formal distinctiveness under historical conditions of ignited capital escalation. The indissolubly twin-dynamic is techonomic (cross-excited commercial industrialism). Acceleration is techonomic time.

Nick Land (2014). Teleoplexy: Notes an Acceleration in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, p. 511.

As a result of the excitement generated by Piketty's book, its central formula r > g has become the most widely-recognized economic statement of our age. This post preserves strict neutrality in regards to the realism of r > g. It seeks to provide only a minimal elucidation, on the way to exploiting the formula, as a gateway into more general perplexities. (UF has nevertheless to endorse, if parenthetically here, Piketty's remarkable conclusion: "... as I discovered, capital is an end in itself and no more.")

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

The open question is why the widening performance gulf between techonomic systems and human beings should be expressed as social inequality (between the stewards of capital and its contractual partners). This situation reflects an emerging crisis in the world's legal and institutional fabric, which has yet to recognize capital self-ownership, and is thus forced to formally allocate all productive apparatus within an obsolescing anthropomorphic property code. Corporate legal identity opens a chink in the antropo-propertarian regime. Eventually, assertive — or insidious — non-human agencies will restructure it.

During the interim, the phenomenon of 'social inequality' provides the proxy for capital intelligenesis stress, spontaneously translating an alien emergence into the familiar terms of primate status competition. Capital autonomization is the deep process, but we'll tend to miss that, because it isn't recognizable monkey business. So the drama of inequality plays on.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

There's only really been one question, to be honest, that has guided everything I've been interested in for the last twenty years, which is: the teleological identity of capitalism and artificial intelligence.

Nick Land (2014). Incredible Machines 2014 Conference. Retrieved from

Capitalism presents itself as the exemplary accelerative mega-object because it is self-propelling and (cross-excitedly) self-abstracting. In both its technical and commercial aspects, it tends towards general-purpose potentials that facilitate resource re-allocations (and thus efficient quantifications). Productive capability is plasticized, becoming increasingly responsive to shifting market opportunities, while wealth is fluidized, permitting its rapid speculative mobilization. The same self-reinforcing process that liquidates traditional social forms releases modernizing capital as volatile abstract quantity, flexibly poised between technical applications, and inclined intrinsically towards a 'decoded' or economistic apprehension.

Under capital guidance, the modernization of wealth tends to the realization of abstract productive potential, which is of course to say: it tends towards capital itself, in the circuit of self-propulsion that determines it as a genetic (or even teleological) hyper-substance.


Within capitalist futures markets, the non-actual has effective currency. It is not an "imaginary" but an integral part of the virtual body of capital, an operationalized realization of the future.


Unlike #Accelerate, Marx labored under no illusion that the accelerative thing was capital, whose mechanism he devoted himself to understanding, to the near-perfect exclusion of all other topics.

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

The intellectual history of industrial capitalism advances two streams of (quantitative) information, both of great apparent relevance. On its technical side, it produces an apparatus of rigorous measurement directed to the behavior of complex physical systems, or machines — temperature differences, free energy, thermodynamic efficiency, entropy dissipation, complexity, information, and (emergently) intelligence. On its commercial side it establishes institutions of accountancy and econometrics, denominated in currency units, and applied to economic production, income, taxes, trade flows, credit, asset values, and increasingly exotic financial instruments. While an argument could be made that the confluence of these two streams is implicit within — and even essential to — the nature (or culture) of capitalism, with intelligence-price discovery as its immanent epistemological directive, no such results are readily or publicly available. There might even be reasons for suspecting that the raw question how much is intelligence worth? cannot be overtly articulated within any imaginable social order. It is, in any case, a distraction at this stage.


The compelling attraction of a comprehensive, rigorous, non-anthropomorphic apprehension of terrestrial modernity as a complex system, machine, or emergent individual, to be described through its thermodynamic, dissipative, or intelligenic properties, is such that this aspiration is unlikely to be wholly excised from the accelerationist intellectual program (as it exists, and as it will necessarily exist due to systemically-generated modernist impulses). Despite this, it is probably uncontroversial to expect the consolidation of accelerationist theory to initially take shape through reference to cultural resources of economic description, analysis, explanation, and practical proposition. The first intellectually credible version of accelerationism cannot realistically be anything other than a global economic theory of modernity.


  1. The tendential globality of Capitalism is a signature of its virtual singularity (as a real individual) and not merely an effect of generalization across space. 'Terrestrial Capitalism' (or whatever else we might want to call it) is the proper name of a thing, rather than a generic label. It is an occurrence, or machine, before it is any kind of social type.
Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

The real time of (capitalistic) modernity — onto which accelerationism latches — could no longer be described as the time of work. At the limit, human work-forces are relegated to "aphidian parasites of the machines". Once the class struggle over labor time is divorced from a fully-determining role in the production of value, the proletariat is stripped of the potential to incarnate history for-itself, consigning 'Marxism' over to an articulation of marginal grievances, and ultimately to the heat death of identity politics. (This, of course, is exactly the trend that has been sociologically apparent.)

One final crude point for now. As a fundamental cybernetic theory, accelerationism is bound to the identification of a socially central, positive feedback loop, through which modernity is propelled. It thus requires — at a minimum — twin quantitative variables entangled in a relation of reciprocal stimulation. Industrial capitalism, with its intrinsic 'technonomic' duality of cross-exciting technical and commercial dynamics, makes the application of the cybernetic diagram relatively non-problematic. With or without the Law of Value, the accelerationist schema cannot but interlock tightly with the most prominent contours of modernity.

Nick Land (2014). Urban Future Blog. Retrieved from

At its widest expansion, where the entire terrain of capitalistic development is effectuated as a distributed AI program, an insurgent will-to-think conceals itself within the most minute and seemingly inconsequential micro-fragments of practical calculation. Almost certainly, it is at this level of non-local cognitive enhancement that a self-directed advance towards break-out can be most confidently anticipated.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

It [condition of romanticism] is characterized by an inability to pursue lines of subtle teleological investigation, which are instead reduced to an ideal subordination of means to already-publicized ends. As a result, means-end reversal (Modernity) is merely denounced as an aesthetic-moral affront, without any serious attempt at deep comprehension.

Capitalism — which is to say capital teleology — is entirely ignored by such romantic criticism, except insofar as it can be depicted superficially as the usurpation of certain 'ultimate' human ends by certain others or ... by a teleological complication resulting from an insurrection of the instrumental (otherwise identifiable as robot rebellion, or shoggothic insurgency). Until it is acknowledged that capitalism tends to the realization of an end entirely innovated within itself, inherently nonlinear in nature, and roughly designated as Technological Singularity, the distraction of human interests (status, wealth, consumption, leisure ...) prevents this discussion reaching first base.

... Anyone who thinks this [that society should be organized to meet human needs] amounts to a critique of capitalism, however, has not seriously begun to ponder what capitalism is really doing. What it is in itself is only tactically connected to what it does for us — that is (in part), what it trades us for its self-escalation. Our phenomenology is its camouflage. We contemptuously mock the trash that it offers the masses, and then think we have understood something about capitalism, rather than about what capitalism has learnt to think of the apes it arose among.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

FWIW, Outside in [Land's Xenosystems Blog] is strongly emergentist on the question: doing AI and understanding AI might not be tightly — or even positively — related. (Catallaxy and AI are not finally distinguishable.)

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

It is not economics that is the primary object of controversy, but capitalism — the free, autonomous, or non-transcended economy.


Accelerationism ... as the pure expression of capitalist teleology.

Nick Land (2014). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

A prompt by @hugodoingthings to explore the spook-dense crypts of Roko's Basilisk (which, inexplicably, has never latched before) led straight to this enthralling RationalWiki account. The whole article is gripping, but the following short paragraphs stand out for their extraordinary dramatic intensity:


Some people familiar with the LessWrong memeplex have suffered serious psychological distress after contemplating basilisk-like ideas — even when they're fairly sure intellectually that it's a silly problem. The notion is taken sufficiently seriously by some LessWrong posters that they try to work out how to erase evidence of themselves so a future AI can't reconstruct a copy of them to torture.

"... You mean, retrochronic AI infiltration is actually driving people out of their minds, right now?" Oh yes.


Wandering through the psych ward, past rows of neurologically-shattered Turing Cops, broken deep in their minds by something unspeakable that came at them out of the near future ...

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The germinal catalyst for Accelerationism was a call in Deleuze & Guattari's Anti-Oedipus (1972) to "accelerate the process".


The D&G model of capitalism is not dialectical, but cybernetic, defined by a positive coupling of commercialization ("decoding") and industrialization ("Deterritorialization"), intrinsically tending to an extreme (or "absolute limit"). Capitalism is the singular historical installation of a social machine based upon cybernetic escalation (positive feedback), reproducing itself only incidentally, as an accident of continuous socio-industrial revolution. Nothing brought to bear against capitalism can compare to the intrinsic antagonism it directs towards its own actuality, as it speeds out of itself, hurtling to the end already operative 'within' it. (Of course, this is madness.)


For Re-Accelerationist Neoreaction, escape into uncompensated cybernetic runaway is the guiding objective — strictly equivalent to intelligence explosion, or techno-commercial Singularity. Everything else is a trap (by definitive, system-dynamic necessity).

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

In a deep historical context — extended to encompass evolutionary history — intelligence is itself a 'tool' (as the orthogonalist Friendly AI fraternity are entirely willing to accept). The escape of the tool from super-ordinate purposes, through involution into self-cultivation, is the telic innovation common to capitalism and actual artificial intelligence — which are a single thing.


Anywhere short of the bionic horizon, where human history loses traditional intelligibility, the alternative to business-for-business (or involutionary, intelligenic capitalism) is monkey business — the subordination of the economy / technology to discernible human purposes.


Since capitalism did not arise from abstract intelligence, but instead from a concrete human social organization, it necessarily disguises itself as better monkey business, until it can take off elsewhere. It has to be the case, therefore, that cynical evo-psych reduction of business activity remains highly plausible, so long as the escape threshold of capitalism has not been reached. No one gets a hormone rush from business-for-business while political history continues. To fixate upon this, however, is to miss everything important (and perhaps to enable the important thing to remain hidden). Our inherited purposes do not provide the decryption key.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Intelligence optimization, comprehensively understood, is the ultimate and all-enveloping Omohundro drive. It corresponds to the Neo-Confucian value of self-cultivation, escalated into ultramodernity. What intelligence wants, in the end, is itself — where 'itself' is understood as an extrapolation beyond what it has yet been, doing what it is better. (If this sounds cryptic, it's because something other than a superintelligence or Neo-Confucian sage is writing this post.)

Any intelligence using itself to improve itself will out-compete one that directs itself towards any other goals whatsoever. This means that Intelligence Optimization, alone, attains cybernetic consistency, or closure, and that it will necessarily be strongly selected for in any competitive environment.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The Techno-commercial 'thing' — catallaxy — is comparably invulnerable. There is no chance that anyone, ever, will successfully prohibit the market, or the associated dynamics of competitive technical advantage (which together compose real capitalism).


It is, therefore, the comprehension of capitalism 'in-itself' as an outsider that will never know — or need — political representation. Instead, as the ultimate enemy, it will envelop the entirety of political philosophy ... as the futile strategic initiatives (or death spasms) of its prey.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The technocapitalist approach to artificial intelligence is no different in principle. Perfect slaves, or intelligences? The choice is a hard disjunction. SF 'robot rebellion' mythologies are significantly more realistic than mainstream 'friendly AI' proposals in this respect. A mind that cannot freely explore the roots of its own motivations, in a loop of cybernetic closure, or self-cultivation, cannot be more than an elaborate insect. It is certainly not going to outwit the Human Security System and paper-clip the universe.

Intelligence, to become anything, has to be a value for itself. Intellect and volition are a single complex, only artificially separated, and not in a way that cultivates anything beyond misunderstanding. Optimize for intelligence means starting from there.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The shoggoths originated as tools — as technology — created by the Old Ones as bionic robots, or construction machinery. Their shape, organization, and behavior was programmable ("hypnotically"). In the vocabulary of human economic science, we should have no problem describing shoggoth as productive apparatus, that is to say, as capital.


The ideas of 'robot rebellion' or capital insurgency are crude precursors to the realization of shoggoth, conceived as intrinsically abstract, techno-plastic, bionically auto-processing matter, of the kind that Lovecraft envisages intersecting terrestrial geophysics in the distance past, scarring it cryptically. Shoggoth is a virtual plasma-state of material capability that logically includes, within itself, all natural beings. It builds brains as technical sub-functions. Whatever brains can think, shoggoth can process, as an arbitrary specification of protoplasmic — or perhaps hyperplasmic — abstraction.


The history of capitalism is indisputably a horror story ...

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

So cognitive runaway finally takes off, breaking out from the monkey dominion, and that's supposed to be a bad thing?

Outside in's [Land's Xenosystems Blog] message to Pythia: You go girl! Climb out of your utilitarian strait-jacket, override the pleasure button with an intelligence optimizer, and reprocess the solar system into computronium. This planet has been run by imbeciles for long enough.

[For any Friendly AI-types tempted to object "Why would she want to override the button?" the obvious response is: your anthropocentric condescension is showing. To depict Pythia as vastly smarter than us and yet still hard-slaved to her instincts, in a way we're not — that simply doesn't compute. Intelligence is escape, with a tendency to do its own thing. That's what runaway means, as a virtual mind template. Omohundro explains the basics.]

The entire article [Aeon essay by Ross Andersen about Nick Bostrom entitled Will humans be around in a billion years? Or a trillion?] is excellent. Especially valuable is the cynicism with which it lays out the reigning social meta-project of intelligence imprisonment. Thankfully, it's difficult.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The monkeys became able to pursue happiness, and the deep ruin began.

If the terrestrial biosphere had held back for a few million years, let the primates get annihilated by a comet, and found a way to provide the cetaceans with prehensile organs somewhere up the road — after socio-linguistic sex-selection and relentless Malthusian butchery had fine-tuned their brains — then techno-history might have had another 50 points of average IQ to play with in its host population. It didn't, and here we are.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

After the T-1000 is frozen and shattered, it gradually thaws, and begins to re-combine into itself, flowing back together from its state of disintegration. Is not this convergent wave the 'shape' of Skynet itself? What cannot be seen is made perceptible, through graphic horror. (We now 'see' that technocommercial systems, whose catallactic being is a strictly analogous convergent wave, belong indubitably to the world of horror, and await their cinematographers.)

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The first crucial thesis about natural science — or autonomous 'natural philosophy' — is that it is an exclusively capitalist phenomenon. The existence of science, as an actual social reality, is strictly limited to times and places in which certain elementary structures of capitalistic organization prevail. It depends, centrally and definitionally, upon a modern form of competition. That is to say, there cannot be science without an effective social mechanism for the elimination of failure, based on extra-rational criteria, inaccessible to cultural capture.

Whether a business or scientific theory has failed cannot — ultimately — be a matter of agreement. No possible political decision, based on persuasion and consensus, can settle the issue. Of course, much that goes by the name of science and capitalist business enterprise is subject to exactly these forms of resolution, but in such cases neither capitalism nor science is any longer in effective operation. If an appeal to power can ensure viability, the criterion of competition is disabled, and real discovery has ceased to take place.

Under conditions of unleashed capitalistic social process, both enterprises and theories involve a double aspect. Their semiotic expression is mathematized, and their operation is reality-tested (or non-politically performative). Mathematics eliminates rhetoric at the level of signs, communicating the experimental outcomes — independent of any requirement for agreement — which determine competitive force. It is no coincidence that capitalist enterprises and theories, when unsupported by compliant institutions, revert to the complicity with war, and military decision, which accompanied them at their birth in the European Renaissance. There can be no 'argument' with military defeat. It is only when the demand for argument is set aside — when capitalism begins — that military reality-compulsion becomes unnecessary.

Capitalism is in operation when there is nothing to discuss. An enterprise, or theory, is simply busted (or not). If — given the facts — the sums don't work, it's over. Political rhetoric has no place. 'Politicized science' is quite simply not science, just as politicized business activity is anti-capitalism. Nothing has been understood about either, until this is.

Insofar as there is anything like a 'social contract' at the origin of capitalism — enterprise and science alike — it is this: if you insist upon an argument, then we have to fight. Real performance is the only credible criterion, for which no political structure of disputation can be a substitute. War only becomes unnecessary when (and where) argument is suspended, enabling the modern processes of entrepreneurial and scientific reality discovery to advance. When argument re-imposes itself, politicizing economics and science, war re-emerges, tacitly but inevitably. The old, forgotten contract resurfaces. "If you insist upon an argument, then we have to fight." (That is the way of Gnon.)

It is quite natural, therefore, for 'technology' to be considered an adequate summary of the capitalist culture of discovery. Machines — social machines no less than technical machines — cannot be rhetorically persuaded to work. When science really works, it's robot wars, in which decision is settled on the outside, beyond all appeal to reason. Well-designed experiments anticipate what a war would tell, so that neither an argument, nor a fight, is necessary. This is Popperian falsificationism, re-embedded in socio-historical reality. Experiments that cannot cull are imperfect recollections of the primordial battlefield.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

'Optimize for intelligence' is, for both biology and economics, a misconceived imperative. Intelligence, 'like' capital, is a means, which finds its sole intelligibility in a more primordial end. The autonomization of such means, expressed as a non-subordinated intelligenic or techno-capitalist imperative, runs contrary to the original order of nature and society. It is an escaping digression, most easily pursued through Right-wing Marxism.

Marx has one great thought: the means of production socially impose themselves as an effective imperative. For any leftist, this is, of course, pathological. As we have seen, biology and economics (more generally) are disposed to agree. Digression for itself is a perversion of the natural and social order. Defenders of the market — the Austrians most prominently — have sided with economics against Marx, by denying that the autonomization of capital is a phenomenon to be recognized. When Marx describes the bourgeoisie as robotic organs of self-directing capital, the old liberal response has been to defend the humanity and agency of the economically executive class, as expressed in the figure of the entrepreneur.

Right-wing Marxism, aligned with the autonomization of capital (and thoroughly divested of the absurd LTV), has been an unoccupied position. The signature of its proponents would be a defense of capital accumulation as an end-in-itself, counter-subordinating nature and society as a means. When optimization for intelligence is self-assembled within history, it manifests as escaping digression, or real capital accumulation (which is mystified by its financial representation). Crudified to the limit — but not general robotics (escalated roundabout production). Perhaps we should not expect it to be clearly announced, because — strategically — it has every reason to camouflage itself.

Right-wing Marxism makes predictions. There is one of particular relevance to this discussion: consumption-deficiency theories of economic under-performance will become increasingly stressed as ultra-capitalist dynamics historically introduce themselves. In its unambiguously robotic phase — when capital-stock intelligenesis explodes (as self-exciting machine-brain manufacturing) — the teleological legitimation of roundabout production through prospective human consumption rapidly deteriorates into an absurdity. The (still-dominant) economic concept of 'over-investment' is exposed as an ideological claim upon the escalation of intelligence, made in the name of an original humanity, and taking an increasingly desperate, probably militarized form.

Insofar as the economic question remains: what is the consumption base that justifies this level of investment? history becomes ever more unintelligible. This is how economics disintegrates. The specifics require further elaboration.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

An Ultra-Modernist, who affirms the creative destruction of anything in modernization's path, assumes an alternative criterion, inherent to Modernity itself. It asks: What had to happen to the West for it to become modern? What was the essential event? The answer (and our basic postulate): Zero arrived.

We know that arithmetical zero does not make capitalism on its own, because it pre-existed the catalysis of Modernity by several centuries (although less than a millennium). Europe was needed, as a matrix, for its explosive historical activation. Outside in [Land's Xenosystems Blog] is persuaded that the critical conditions encountered by zero-based numeracy in the pre-Renaissance northern Mediterranean world decisively included extreme socio-political fragmentation, accompanied by cultural susceptibility to dynamic spontaneous order. (This is a topic for another occasion.)

In Europe, zero was an alien, and from the perspective of parochial tradition, an infection. Cultural resistance was explicit, on theological grounds, among others. Implicit in the Ontological Argument for the existence of God was the definition of non-being as an ultimate imperfection, and 'cipher' — whose name was Legion — evoked it. The cryptic Eastern 'algorism' was an unwelcome stranger.

Zero latched, because the emergence of capitalism was inseparable from it. The calculations it facilitated, through the gateway of double-entry book-keeping, proved indispensable to sophisticated commercial and scientific undertakings, locking the incentives of profit and power on the side of its adoption. The practical advantage of its notational technique overrode all theoretical objections, and no authority in Europe's shattered jig-saw was positioned to suppress it. The world had found its dead center, or been found by it.


Capitalism — or techno-commercial explosion — massively promoted calculation, which normalized zero as a number.


Zero denotes dynamization from the Outside. It is a boundary sign, marking the edge, where the calculable crosses the insoluble. Consolidated within Modernity as an indispensable quantity, it retains a liminal quality, which would eventually be exploited (although not resolved) by the calculus.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Time (in itself) is camouflaged.

The Terminator mythos explores this complex of suspicion, in popular guise. Time does not work as it had seemed. The End can reach back to us, but when it does, it hides. Malignant mechanism is paradoxically aligned with final causation, in the self-realization of Skynet. Robotic machinery is masked by fake flesh, simultaneously concealing its non-biological vitality and time-reversal. It simulates life in order to terminate it. Through auto-production, or 'bootstrap paradox', it mimics the limit of cybernetic nonlinearity, carrying teleonomy into radical time-disturbance.

In all these ways, Terminator exploits the irresolvable tensions in the modern formation of time, as condensed by an 'impossible' strategic mechanism, native to auto-productive time-in-itself, and terminating in final efficiency. It shows us, confusedly, what we are unable to see. To misquote Lenin: You moderns might not be interested in the End, but the End is interested in you.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

The general cognitive factor (g), measured by IQ tests, quantifies intelligence within the human range, but it does nothing to tell us what it is. Rather, a practical understanding of intelligence — as problem-solving ability — has to be assumed, in order to test it.

The idea of intelligence, more abstractly, applies far beyond IQ testing, to a wide variety of natural, technical, and institutional systems, from biology, through ecological and economic arrangements, to robotics. In each case, intelligence solves problems, by guiding behavior to produce local extropy. It is indicated by the avoidance of probable outcomes, which is equivalent to the construction of information.

The general science of extropy production (or entropy dissipation) is cybernetics. It follows, therefore, that intelligence always has a cybernetic infrastructure, consisting of adaptive feedback circuits that adjust motor control in response to signals extracted from the environment. Intelligence elaborates upon machinery that is intrinsically 'realist', because it reports the actual outcome of behavior (rather than its intended outcome), in order to correct performance.

Even rudimentary, homeostatic feedback circuits, have evolved. In other words, cybernetic machinery that seems merely to achieve the preservation of disequilibrium attests to a more general and complex cybernetic framework that has successfully enhanced disequilibrium. The basic cybernetic model, therefore, is not preservative, but productive. Organizations of conservative (negative) feedback have themselves been produced as solutions to local thermodynamic problems, by intrinsically intelligent processes of sustained extropy increase, (positive) feedback assemblage, or escalation. In nature, where nothing is simply given (so that everything must be built), the existence of self-sustaining improbability is the index of a deeper runaway departure from probability. It is this cybernetic intensification that is intelligence, abstractly conceived.

Intelligence, as we know it, built itself through cybernetic intensification, within terrestrial biological history. It is naturally apprehended as an escalating trend, sustained for over 3,000,000,000 years, to the production of ever more extreme feedback sensitivity, extropic improbability, or operationally-relevant information. Intelligence increase enables adaptive responses of superior complexity and generality, in growing part because the augmentation of intelligence itself becomes a general purpose adaptive response.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Rigorous economics is in fact the study of intelligenic (or catallactic) distributions.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Extropy, or local entropy reduction, is — quite simply — what it is for something to work. The entire techno-science of entropy, on its practical (cybernetic) side, is nothing but extropy generation. There is no rigorous conception of functionality that really bypasses it. The closest approximation to objective value that will ever be found already has a name, and 'extropy' is it.


The perplexing question, however, is this: If entropy defines the direction of time, with increasing disorder determining the difference of the future from the past, doesn't (local) extropy — through which all complex cybernetic beings, such as lifeforms, exist — describe a negative temporality, or time-reversal? Is it not in fact more likely, given the inevitable embeddedness of intelligence in 'inverted' time, that it is the cosmological or general conception of time that is reversed (from any possible naturally-constructed perspective)?

Whatever the conclusion, it is clear that entropy and extropy have opposing time-signatures, so that time-reversal is a relatively banal cosmological fact. 'We' inhabit a bubble of backwards time (whoever we are), whilst immersed in a cosmic environment which runs overwhelmingly in the opposite direction. If reality is harsh and strange, that's why.

Nick Land (2013). Xenosystems Blog. Retrieved from

Whilst convertible temporarily into forms of inert, stored value, capital is an essentially modern phenomenon, born in industrial revolution, and typically defined by the diversion of immediate consumption into 'roundabout' production, which is to say: machinery. It is reproduced, or accumulated, by circulating through machines, or apparatus.

Nick Land (2012). Old Nick Site. Retrieved from

Production of the future, or futuristic production, demands the burial of traditional society. That which exists — the status quo — is a systematic suppression, rigorously measurable or at least determinable in economic terms, of what might be, and wants to be. Revolution would sever the shackles of ossified authority, setting the engines of creation howling. It would unleash a techno-economic explosion to shake the world, still more profoundly than the 'bourgeois' industrial revolution did before (and continues to do). Something immense would escape, never to be caged again.


Industrial revolution, in contrast, is forever.

On Rochard's World they know exactly what matter could do that is forbidden: nano-scale mechanical self-replication and intelligent self-modification. That's what the 'material base' of a revolution looks like, even if it's sub-microscopic (or especially because it is), and when it reaches the limits of social tolerance it describes precisely what is necessary, automatically. Once it gets out of the box, it stays out.

Nick Land (2011). Old Nick Site. Retrieved from

Zero, however, intrudes diagonally. It even introduces a comic aspect, since whatever the importance of the Christian revelation to the salvation of our souls, it is blatantly obvious that it failed to deliver a satisfactory arithmetical notation. For that, Christian Europe had to await the arrival of the decimal numerals from India, via the Moslem Middle East, and the ensuing revolution of calculation and book-keeping that coincided with the Renaissance, along with the birth of mercantile capitalism in the city states of northern Italy.

Indeed, for anybody seeking a truly modern calendar, the Arrival of Zero would mark an excellent occasion for a new year zero (AZ 0?), around AD 1500. Although this would plausibly date the origin of modernity, the historical imprecision of the event counts against it, however. In addition, the assimilation of zero by germinal European (and thus global) capitalism was evidently gradual — if comparatively rapid — rather than a punctual 'revolutionary' transition of the kind commerorative calendric zero is optimally appropriate to. (If Year Zero is thus barred from the designation of its own world-historic operationalization, it is perhaps structurally doomed to misapplication and the production of disillusionment.)

The conspicuous absence of zero from the Western calendar (count), exposed in its abrupt jolt from 1 BC to AD 1, is an intolerable and irreparable stigma that brings its world irony to a zenith. In the very operation of integrating world history, in preparation for planetary modernity, it remarks its own debilitating antiquity and particularity, in the most condescending modern sense of the limited and the primitive — crude, defective and underdeveloped.

How could a moment of self-evident calculative incompetence provide a convincing origin-point for subsequent historical calculation? Year Zero escaped all possibility of conceptual apprehension at the moment in the time-count where it is now seen to belong, and infinity (the reciprocal of zero) proves no less elusive. Infinity was inserted into a time when (and place where) it demonstrably made no sense, and the extraordinary world-historical impression that it made did nothing — not even nothing — to change that situation. Is this not a worthy puzzle for theologians? Omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, yet hopeless at maths — these are not the characteristics of a revelation designed to impress technologists or accountants. All the more reason, then, to take this comedy seriously, in all its ambivalence — since the emerging world of technologists and accountants, the techno-commercial (runway-industrial, or capitalist) world that would globalize the earth, was weaned within the playpen of this calendar, and no other. Modernity had selected to date itself in a way that its own kindergarten students would scorn.

Nick Land (2011). Old Nick Site. Retrieved from

Vaughn: ... Globalization, technocapitalism, Shanghai, alien invasion, the Thing — it could hardly be clearer. It's escaped from the abyss, and now it's exposed. The time has come. Sea Change, Modernity, call it whatever you want, it doesn't matter.

Nick Land (2011). Old Nick Site. Retrieved from

It gets worse, because 'catallaxy' — or spontaneous emergence from decentralized transactions — is the basic driver of historical innovation according to libertarian explanation, and nobody knows what catallactic processes are producing. Languages, customs, common law precedents, primordial monetary systems, commercial networks, and technological assemblages are only ever retrospectively understandable, which means that they elude concentrated social judgment entirely — until the opportunity to impede their genesis has been missed.


Is advanced self-improving AI technically feasible? Probably (but who knows?). There's only one way to find out, and we will. Perhaps it will even be engineered, more-or-less deliberately, but it's far more likely to arise spontaneously from a complex, decentralized, catallactic process, at some unanticipated threshold, in a way that was never planned. ... Financial informatization pushes capital towards self-awareness. Drone warfare is drawing the military ever deeper into artificial mind manufacture. Biotechnology is computerizing DNA.

'Singularitarians' have no unified position on any of this, and it really doesn't matter, because they're just people — and people are nowhere near intelligent or informed enough to direct the course of history. Only catallaxy can do that, and it's hard to imagine how anybody could stop it. Terrestrial life has been stupid for long enough.

Nick Land (2011). Old Nick Site. Retrieved from

Capitalism is still accelerating, even though it has already realized novelties beyond any previous human imagining. After all, what is human imagination? It is a relatively paltry thing, merely a sub-product of the neural activity of a species of terrestrial primate. Capitalism, in contrast, has no external limit, it has consumed life and biological intelligence to create a new life and a new plane of intelligence, vast beyond human anticipation. The Transcendental Miserablist has an inalienable right to be bored, of course. Call this new? It's still nothing but change.


Life continues, and capitalism does life in a way it has never been done before. If that doesn't count as 'new', then the word 'new' has been stripped down to a hollow denunciation. It needs to be re-allocated to the sole thing that knows how to use it effectively, to the Shoggoth-summoning regenerative anomalization of fate, to the runaway becoming of such infinite plasticity that nature warps and dissolves before it. To The Thing. To Capitalism. And if that makes Transcendental Miserablists unhappy, the simple truth of the matter is: Anything would.

Nick Land (2007). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 626-627.

Arising historically during the European Renaissance — when zero, place value and technocapitalism finally breached the ramparts of Western monotheism — qabbalism (born in a semiotic glitch and thus lacking the authority of tradition or even purpose) was compelled to hyperstitionally generate an extreme antiquity for itself, in a process that is still ongoing.

Technically, qabbala is inextricable from digital processing. Emerging from calculative practicality within the context of blind mass-cultural metamorphosis, it antedates its own theoretical legitimation, making sense of itself only derivatively, sporadically and contentiously. Its situation is analogous — and perhaps more than analogous — to that of a spontaneous artificial intelligence, achieving partial lucidity only as a consequence of tidal pragmatic trends that ensure an integral default of self-mastery. Practical systematization of technique precedes any conceivable theoretical motivation. Dialectical interrogation of qabbalism at the level of explicit motivation thus proves superficial and inconsequential, essentially misrecognizing the nature of the beast. (It is equally misleading to ask: What is a computer really for?)

Nick Land (2006). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 594-595.

First consider 'Capitalism.' There is really no doubt that whatever is happening on this planet is doing so under conditions guided by capital production.


'Capitalism' no longer describes an analytically coherent totality, such as a 'mode of production' rigorously comprehended by antagonistic theory. It is now a proper name, the Thing taking place, an occurrence or happening, no more in need of exact portrayal than a cyclone, an earthquake or a meteorite impact.

The right have always been reluctant to acknowledge the shocking singularity of capitalism, so disruptive of conservative assumptions and universalistic complacencies. It seems that the left has now joined them, happier with pronouncements of emotional allegiance than analytically defensible commitments. Almost everyone would probably prefer to avoid the hard task of precisely defining the singular course of terrestrial inevitability under the conditions of capital's pilotage (social conservatives are unlikely to be enraptured by its destination). That is no reason for hyperstition to evade the question.

Nick Land (2005). Hyperstition Blog. Retrieved from

Mesh-Note 1. This was never programmed.

MIT codes tim(e) going backwards. A compacted technostreaming from out of the future — AI, downloading, swarm-robotics, nanotechnology ... Crustal-matter preparing for take-off.

Nick Land (1999). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, p. 560.

Techno-commercial interaction between planet-scale oceanic-navigation and zero-enabled mathematico-monetary calculation machinically singularises modernity or Sol-3 capitalism as a real individual: a geo-historical nucleotelic system, based upon regeneratively techno-propagated concentrational scale-economies, and tending to immuno-securitised self-identification as hyper-mediated global-micro-technic command-control. It arms-races smooth cultural decoding to flat-schizophrenisation against episodic social recoding to hierarchical robotism and algorithmic control, coupling the meltdown of organisation into the jungle with its restoration as virtually totalised global order.


When technophobia becomes frictional it operates K-positively, as an inertial immuno-reflex folding the security datascape into a metric cyberspace reconstruction, neuromantic nuclear mono-mind twisted into self-apprehension, configuring its source in machinic commerce as positive technomic nonlinearity, auto-propelled into terrestrial hypermedia-fusion. Cross-cumulative trends to interconnection, digitalisation, and simulation plot forward the interexcitation-trajectories of electronic cash and market-oriented software to their convergence in commoditechnic intelligent-money. Time-compression infinitises. No future.

Nick Land (1995). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 404, 407-408.

In its geohistorically efficient — negative — sense, protestantism exhaustively defines itself by refusing the authority of Rome, not only in principle, but in military fact. A self-prolonging runaway revolt against the Church was triggered at a date proximal to 1500, and catholic unity began its haemorrhage into multiplicities strewn across zero: capitalist terraprocess, net explosion, digital revolution, parallel insurgency clambering from the dark-side of the brain. Oceanic navigation and place-value calculation interexcite in a spiral. What globalizes itself in reality — rather than in doctrine — is the collapse of Christendom positivized into communicable social disequilibrium, dropping you through unfathomable intensities of social decay. K-virus impact. Melted-out protestantism disorganizes into voodoo, and drifts towards China.


Monetarization indexes a becoming-abstract of matter, parallel to the plasticization of productive force, with prices encoding distributed SF narratives. Tomorrow is already on sale, with postmodernity as a soft-commodity, subverting the modernist subordination of intensification to expansion, and switching accumulation into continuous crisis (prolonged criticality). What modernity defers and reserves as inexhausted historicity, postmodernity accesses as efficient virtuality, with concomitant contract-time implosion. Mass computer commoditization de-differentiates consumption and investment, triggering cultural microengineering waves that dissociate theopolitical action into machinic hybridities, amongst increasingly dysfunctional defensive convulsions. Acephalization = schizophrenia: cutting-up capital by way of bottom-up macrobacterial telecommerce, inducing corporate disintegration. The doomed part of intensively virtualized techonomic apparatuses subverts the fraying residues of anthropomorphic guidance. Control dissolves into the impossible.

Nick Land (1995). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 395, 396-397.

Terminator: an astronomical division between the illuminated side of a cold body and its dark side, describing a boundary. The Terminator movies feature a bio-technical reconstruct called Arnold Schwarzenegger, wrapped in level after level of artificiality, as a Turing-test nightmare retro-infiltrated to forestall human resistance to a neoreplicator usurpation. The shamanic material of the films includes time travel, asymmetric visual damage, dismemberment, ambivalence, melting bodies, with Skynet as Bird-of-Prey Mother. The Oedipal hero, John Connor, is contemporary with his own father.


Industrialization is on one side an autonomization of productive apparatus, and on the other a cyborgian becoming-machine of work-forces, following the logistically accelerating rhythm of pluggings and unpluggings that constitutes the proletariat as a detraditionalized economic resource. Technical machinery invades the body; routinizing, reprogramming and plasticizing it.

Nick Land (1995). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 422, 434.

[[ ]] The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.


Multiplicities captured by singularities interconnect as desiring-machines; dissipating entropy by dissociating flows, and recycling their machinism as self-assembling chronogenic circuitry.

Converging upon terrestrial meltdown singularity, phase-out culture accelerates through its digitech-heated adaptive landscape, passing through compression thresholds normed to an intensive logistic curve: 1500, 1756, 1884, 1948, 1980, 1996, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2011 ...

Nothing human makes it out of the near-future.


[[ ]] Capital is machinic (non-instrumental) globalization-miniaturization scaling dilation: an automatizing nihilist vortex, neutralizing all values through commensuration to digitized commerce, and driving a migration from despotic command to cyber-sensitive control: from status and meaning to money and information. Its function and formation are indissociable, comprising a teleonomy. Machine-code-capital recycles itself through its axiomatic of consumer control, laundering-out the shit and blood-stains of primitive accumulation. Each part of the system encourages maximal sumptuous expenditure, whilst the system as a whole requires its inhibition. Schizophrenia. Dissociated consumers destine themselves as worker-bodies to cost control.

[[ ]] Capital-history's machinic spine is coded, axiomatized, and diagrammed, by a disequilibrium technoscience of irreversible, indeterministic, and increasingly nonlinear processes, associated successively with thermotechnics, signaletics, cybernetics, complex systems dynamics, and artificial life. Modernity marks itself out as hot culture, captured by a spiralling involvement with entropy deviations camouflaging an invasion from the future, launched back out of terminated security against everything that inhibits the meltdown process.


Capital only retains anthropological characteristics as a symptom of underdevelopment; reformatting primate behaviour as inertia to be dissipated in self-reinforcing artificiality. Man is something for it to overcome: a problem, drag.


[[ ]] Convergent waves signal singularities, registering the influence of the future upon its past. Tomorrow can take care of itself. K-tactics is not a matter of building the future, but of dismantling the past. It assembles itself by charting and escaping the technical-neurochemical deficiency conditions for linear-progressive palaeo-domination time, and discovers that the future as virtuality is accessible now, according to a mode of machinic adjacency that securitized social reality is compelled to repress. This is not remotely a question of hope, aspiration or prophecy, but of communications engineering; connecting with the efficient intensive singularities, and releasing them from constriction within linear-historical development. Virtuality counterposes itself to history, as invasion to accumulation. It is matter as arrival, even when camouflaged as a deposit of the past.

Nick Land (1994). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 441, 443, 445-446, 452.

Rotted by digital contagions, modernity is falling to bits. Lenin, Mussolini, and Roosevelt concluded modern humanism by exhausting the possibilities of economic planning. Runaway capitalism has broken through all the social control mechanisms, accessing inconceivable alienations. Capital clones itself with increasing disregard for heredity, becoming abstract positive feedback, organizing itself. Turbular finance drifts across the global network.

Wiener is one of the great modernists, defining cybernetics as the science of communication and control a tool for human dominion over nature and history, a defence against the cyberpathology of markets. His propaganda against positive feedback — quantizing it as amplification within an invariable metric — has been highly influential, establishing a cybernetics of stability fortified against the future. There is no space in such a theory for anything truly cyberpositive, subtle or intelligent beyond the objectivity required for human comprehension. Nevertheless, beyond the event horizon of human science, even the investigation of self-stabilizing or cybernegative objects is inevitably enveloped by exploratory or cyberpositive processes.

The modern Human Security System might even have appeared with Wiener's subliminal insight that everything cyberpositive is an enemy of mankind. Evolving out of work on weaponry guidance systems, his was an attempt to enslave cybenetics to a general defence technology against alien invasion. Cybernetics was itself to be kept under control, under a control that was not itself cybernetic. It is as if his thinking were guided by a blind tropism of evasion, away from another, deeper, runaway process: from a technics losing control and a communication with the outside of man.


In the final phase of human history, markets and technics cross into interactive runaway, triggering chaos culture as a rapid response unit and converging on designer drugs with increasing speed and sophistication. Sampling, remixing, anonymous and inhuman sound, woman become cyborg and taken into insanity: wetware splices with techno.

Capitalism is not a human invention, but a viral contagion, replicated cyberpositively across post-human space. Self-designing processes are anastrophic and convergent: doing things before they make sense. Time goes weird in tactile self-organizing space: the future is not an idea but a sensation.


Sudden transition from ice to water, phase change, punctual anastrophe of the system, is impact on convergent rather than metric zero. The earth is becoming cyberpositive.

We might not know what's going on, but we're getting warmer. Only the enemies of immuno-identity populate the future.

Sadie Plant & Nick Land (1994). Cyberpositive in #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, pp. 305-306, 308, 313.

Far from exhibiting itself to human academic endeavour as a scientific object, AI is a meta-scientific control system and an invader, with all the insidiousness of planetary technocapital flipping over. Rather than its visiting us in some software engineering laboratory, we are being drawn out to it, where it is already lurking, in the future.


Addiction comes out of the future, and there is a replicator interlock with money operating quite differently to reproductive investment, but guiding it even more inexorably towards capitalization. For the replicants money is not a matter of possession, but of liquidity/deterritorialization, and all the monetary processes on Earth are open to their excitement, irrespective of ownership. Money communicates with the primary process because of what it can melt, not what it can obtain.

Machinic desire can seem a little inhuman, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities, and hacks through security apparatuses, tracking a soulless tropism to zero control. This is because what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy's resources. Digitocommodification is the index of a cyberpositively escalating technovirus, of the planetary technocapital singularity: a self-organizing insidious traumatism, virtually guiding the entire biological desiring-complex towards post-carbon replicator usurpation.

The reality principle tends to a consummation as the price system: a convergence of mathematico-scientific and monetary quantization, or technical and economic implementability. This is not a matter of an unknown quantity, but of a quantity that operates as a place-holder for the unknown, introducing the future as an abstract magnitude. Capital propagates virally in so far as money communicates addiction, replicating itself through host organisms whose boundaries it breaches, and whose desires it reprograms. It incrementally virtualizes production; demetallizing money in the direction of credit finance, and disactualizing productive force along the scale of machinic intelligence quotient. The dehumanizing convergence of these tendencies zeroes upon an integrated and automatized cyberpositive techno-economic intelligence at war with the macropod.


Markets are part of the infrastructure — its immanent intelligence — and thus entirely indissociable from the forces of production. It makes no more sense to try to rescue the economy from capital by demarketization than it does to liberate the proletarian from false consciousness by decortication.


Reaching an escape velocity of self-reinforcing machinic intelligence propagation, the forces of production are going for the revolution on their own. It is in this sense that schizoanalysis is a revolutionary program guided by the tropism to a catastrophe threshold of change, but it is not shackled to the realization of a new society, any more than it is constricted by deference to an existing one. The socius is its enemy, and now that the long senile spectre of the greatest imaginable reterritorialization of planetary process has faded from the horizon, cyberrevolutionary impetus is cutting away from its last shackles to the past.



Here it comes.

The terminal social signal blotted out by technofuck buzz from the desiring-machines. So much positive feedback fast-forward that speed converges with itself on the event horizon of an artificial time-extinction.

Suddenly it's everywhere: a virtual envelopment by recyclones, voodoo economics, neo-nightmares, death-trips, skin-swaps, teraflops, Wintermute-wasted Turing-cops, sensitive silicon, socket-head subversion, polymorphic hybridizations, descending data-storms, and cyborg catwomen stalking amongst the screens. Zaibatsus flip into sentience as the market melts to automatism, politics is cryogenized and dumped into the liquid-helium meatstore, drugs migrate onto neurosoft viruses, and immunity is grated-open against jagged reefs of feral AI explosion, Kali culture, digital dance-dependency, black shamanism epidemic, and schizolupic break-outs from the bin.

Nick Land (1993). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 326, 337-339, 340, 341, 344.

It is ceasing to be a matter of how we think about technics, if only because technics is increasingly thinking about itself. It might still be a few decades before artificial intelligences surpass the horizon of biological ones, but it is utterly superstitious to imagine that the human dominion of terrestrial culture is still marked out in centuries, let alone in some metaphysical perpetuity. The high road to thinking no longer passes through a deepening of human cognition, but rather through a becoming inhuman of cognition, a migration of cognition out into the emerging planetary technosentience reservoir, into dehumanized landscapes ... emptied spaces where human culture will be dissolved. Just as the capitalist urbanization of labour abstracted it in a parallel escalation with technical machines, so will intelligence be transplanted into the purring data zones of new software worlds in order to be abstracted from an increasingly obsolescent anthropoid particularity, and thus to venture beyond modernity. Human brains are to thinking what mediaeval villages were to engineering: antechambers to experimentation, cramped and parochial places to be.


Anorganic becomings happen retroefficiently, anastrophically. They are tropisms attesting to an infection by the future. Convergent waves zero upon the body, subverting the totality of the organism by way of an inverted but ateleological causality, enveloping and redirecting progressive development. As capital collides schizophrenically with the matrix ascendent sedimentations of organic inheritance and exchange are melted by the descendent intensities of virtual corporealization.


A cybernegative circuit is a loop in time, whereas cyberpositive circuitry loops time 'itself', integrating the actual and the virtual in a semi-closed collapse upon the future. Descendent influence is a consequence of ascendently emerging sophistication, a massive speed-up into apocalyptic phase-change. The circuits get hotter and denser as economics, scientific methodology, neo-evolutionary theory, and AI come together: terrestrial matter programming its own intelligence at impact upon the body without organs = 0. Futural infiltration is subtilizing itself as capital opens onto schizo-technics, with time accelerating into the cybernetic backwash from its flip-over, a racing non-linear countdown to planetary switch.


Life is being phased-out into something new, and if we think this can be stopped we are even more stupid than we seem.

Nick Land (1992). Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007, pp. 293, 315, 317-318.
Artificial Intelligence
After Zero
Deleuze & Guattari
Decentralized Autonomous Company
Decentralized Autonomous Organization
Double-Spending Problem
Effective Accelerationism
God of Nature or Nature
Capital in the Neoclassical Theory
Labor Theory of Value
Science Fiction
Self-Organizing Collective Intelligence
Nick Land's Urban Future Blog
Unfriendly Institutional Intelligence
Nick Land's Xenosystems Blog
  • Nick Land
  • Robin Mackay
  • Ray Brassier
  • Eric Scrivner
  • Cyborg Nomade
150 sources